.060 Over
Wouldn't it be easier to take the windscreen out of your car 

R3badboy, you are right on the money. I do not see the fixation some have with windscreens, fairings etc. It is a bike and you get wind in your face. Last weeekend I was out for a ride and was sitting on 160 to 200kph with no dramas and having a ball
A touring bike just needs bags, comfy seat, highway pegs, you can keeep all the bling and techno, GPS, music, etc.

R3badboy, you are right on the money. I do not see the fixation some have with windscreens, fairings etc. It is a bike and you get wind in your face. Last weeekend I was out for a ride and was sitting on 160 to 200kph with no dramas and having a ball
A touring bike just needs bags, comfy seat, highway pegs, you can keeep all the bling and techno, GPS, music, etc.