Uh oh,passenger heat BIG problem

Bikes that have aftermarket exhaust systems with an appropriate tune seem to run cooler. When my Rocket was brand new I could see the pipes glow red at night. After installing TOR`s it ran way cooler
The Wayne Tripp tune (assuming you had a touring) made mine run considerably cooler, the fan only kicks in half the time that it used to
Just leave the wife at home with a chix flick and a box of chocolates then she will be very happy. Happy wife happy life!
Bikes that have aftermarket exhaust systems with an appropriate tune seem to run cooler. When my Rocket was brand new I could see the pipes glow red at night. After installing TOR`s it ran way cooler

Same here , I freaked at how hot my mufflers got when bike was new. Had it checked out by Dealer as I was sure there was something seriously wrong.
I have a touring that got crazy hot if I ever got stuck in traffic. I pulled the chrome exhaust shields off, wrapped the header down to the single outlet with header wrap, and then reattached the heat shields. I didn't have a heat gun to check it, but my right leg wasn't on fire in jeans and boots anymore, even at 100 degF in Mid TN summers. I think the comment about removing the CAT's is relevant; they build a lot of heat and expand a bit at operating temps. Getting some aftermarket pipes sans the CAT's could go a long way. In the meantime, $30 worth of header wrap seemed to cut down the radiant heat from the exhaust and pushed a lot more out the back end. I also started running a different tune that has the radiator fan kicking on at a slightly lower temp than stock. I've found this helpful, too. Good luck!
Could be the tune change, ie if the stock tune is overly lean it can be a cause for high temps. It was just pointed out in another thread that the Power-tripp tune is richer than the stock R3T one. And anecdotally (can't be sure I'm right, as we humans are hugely irrational and prone to jumping to conclusions) my bike too seems cooler with the tune.
Goldwings have accessories called wind-wings. They are little air directors mounted on brackets in choice locations that allow the rider to guide air/heat where wanted. No such thing for a rocket, but a little ingenuity and experimenting could get something similar.