Transmissions- how common?

My 08 has 65000 and i ride that thang sometimes for all she’s worth, only detent spring so far and that could have been helped by operator who knows never had a problem till dyno abuse. id say theyre pretty strong if you keep cable adjusted properly at all times and dont miss shifts or make other mistakes, most problems that happen on my bike are because of me.
My 08 R3T truly is a bike I don't plan on selling. I can't remember a machine I've owned that was put together better. Kevin's post where he takes the responsibility for his Rocket's breakdowns. I can second that. I've tinkered way more than I should have on my bike. I also am lazy shifting. Way to late shifting down when I slow down. I can be two gears off riding thru a town. ( 5th gear running 40 mph. ) every other bike would chug and stall if I miss used them. Two detent springs in 60 thousand miles, is pretty minor compared to my past cycles. Whenever I walk into a H.D. Dealership I see a large service dept. There's a reason for that.
@Mike Rocket While it might be interesting to have that information, it will not be useful. There are too few Rockets overall, and the challenges among them smaller still, that a single data point (your questions) simply cannot be statistically significant.

Without taking an engine apart just to look, all of us are accepting some level of risk in operating a reciprocating engine.

So most of us focus on the grin, and if something happens, well, cross that bridge if/when encountered.
You are either a vulcan, or an android. Your logic is flawless.
Of course Paul is correct, again. Don’t let fear of what could happen ruin a days ride. Remember even the Honda shop has a service department.;)
Also what mileage did you problems start?
At about 45,000 miles it started dropping from 4th to 3rd under load. If I held a steady speed in 4th, it seemed to be OK, but, if I twisted the wick, it could suddenly jump out of gear and grab 3rd without even touching the shifter. Once that happened, I immediately parked it and started pulling the engine before any severe damage could occur. Thank God for Robinson Industries. I pulled the engine and had Carpenter Racing do the tear down and reassembly. They work with Robinson on trans repair. Both outfits do good work in my humble opinion.