Ok, well, its good and bad news with the new battery. If I unplug the Powercommander 5, it will fire up with a very rough idle but eventually dies out. If I plug it back in, it will not fire up at all. The gauges will not cycle until its started and then it runs semi smooth for a few seconds and then starts idling rough.
Checked the coils but the plugs are set where you cannot mix up 2&3, went through whole bike and checked plugs were all plugged in, double checked nothing was left unplugged.
The only thing that I havnt considered is that the airbox may need to be connected so the sensor reads and adjusts for the intake.
I will be getting the OBDII plug tomorrow, and I will hop back on it, but until then, I am frustrated, so I need to take a break otherwise, I will do something stupid.
Here is a link to the video.