I know you can put the old style footboards on the Roadster with some minor swaps / mods however, I cannot for the life of me figure out why you can't take the controls from a Touring model (which looks much better than the old style footboards) and adapt them to the Roadster. Same bolting pattern on the engine but the Roadster has ABS - is it really that kind of deal breaker to run a line to the ABS?
I'm going by the dealer tomorrow to take a look at the Touring again in person to see what the hold-up might be. Anyone already knows??
It is a direct swap if you take the floorboards, controls and brake lines from a R3T ABS and swap it with a R3R ABS bike, you will need to bleed the brakes and get the ABS module reset/adapted.
If you take a R3T non ABS setup you will need a longer braided brake line, or have a solid line made up and again get the brakes bled and ABS module reset/adapted.
It is a direct swap if you take the floorboards, controls and brake lines from a R3T ABS and swap it with a R3R ABS bike, you will need to bleed the brakes and get the ABS module reset/adapted.
If you take a R3T non ABS setup you will need a longer braided brake line, or have a solid line made up and again get the brakes bled and ABS module reset/adapted.
They are shaped a little different and use a different style of heel toe shifter. Should bolt up though with the exception of working out the brake line differences and bleeding the ABS system.
I am definitely interested in doing this swap, I have concluded that this bike is only good for short rides with the pegs under me like this, more uncomfortable than my sport bike in some ways. One thing I am not sure of is the Roadster seat vs the Touring, change to Touring floorboards, and how will the different style seat effect the foot position. No matter it has to be an improvement over the current configuration. It may work for many people but picture an offensive lineman, lifts weights and eats and drinks entirely too much and unfortunately that is my physique. I need more leg room.
It is a direct swap if you take the floorboards, controls and brake lines from a R3T ABS and swap it with a R3R ABS bike, you will need to bleed the brakes and get the ABS module reset/adapted.
If you take a R3T non ABS setup you will need a longer braided brake line, or have a solid line made up and again get the brakes bled and ABS module reset/adapted.
Me thinks the Touring boards look horribly large and wide at the front.
Just me and I be very happy with my Standard boards . . . thank you very much, @cadconversions !