TORS and Ramair - need a tune that's in-between...

When you put on TORs and RAMAIR you let the engine breathe more air in per revolution, to match that, you need more fuel. Derestricting the secondaries takes this a step further. COpying the timing table in i3 into i2 and i1 takes this even further, as it needs more fuel to keep the same afr with the extra timing.

If you want mileage, leave it stock or accept that it'll run lean when putting TORs on.

The only way you'll get high mileage with mods is a custom map, no one can write that map over the internet....period. To run lean but safe, the fueling has to be tailored to your specific bike, the cruise area on the freeway. It's easy to adjust the values remotely, but are they right? No way to tell without a dyno or wideband

ALL THAT to say, go buy a PC-V and Autotune, its the only easy way to have perfect control over all this stuff without going to a dyno.

Yea, good points
The tune I got from HansO is for the RamAir with Tors & cat delete - It has secondaries 100% open - Also unchecked & removed/bypassed 02 sensor. Yes the fuel mileage dropped but I couldn't give a rats bout that! It runs absolutely fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glad to hear that. Just got in my first round of parts. By the way folks Cross Country Cycle is great for parts and deliver quickly. Ramair is a question mark on deliver time. Plan on just doing the twelve minute tune with Ramair but when Paul is done with the pipes and I get them was planning on getting a tune from Hanso. The only place I know of in Oklahoma that can dnyo a Rocket is now out of business. So I will be very dependant on Hanso and getting it tuned correctly. Your post is very encouraging.

Yea, Sonny. You will be very happy with the HansO tune. Be gentle on the Ole girl after you put that Ramair on with out remapping, It'll be running quite lean until you do. Maybe ever keep it in the Box until you get the pipes on & HansO tune
Kind of figured that but looking at real time frames as slow as this is going (doing my own work) the ramair and pipes installation will be close to the same time frame. Doing the valve clearance check and this time will properly have to replace a shim or two. That cam tool was not cheap. Besides I know my throttle bodys are not going to be easy to get back on and between work and overtime more than likely going to be a few weeks or even a month before I get everything back on the bike. Then I still need to balance the throttle bodys. Paul told me to expect about ten weeks on the pipes. That was about a week ago. I figure in the next ten weeks i may have four days off from work if we are lucky. Patience is not one of my better points but got a feeling it will be well worth the wait.
No, you can't use the map for @Nogrey 2012 model in your 2005 model!

@Jabo75 PM me your email address & I will send you the map HansO provided me - should not make any difference with K&N's vs RamAir - Our setup is virtually the same

Yea, I remember reading somewhere that the cutoff if either 2010 or 2012 for maps that will work for my bike.

A few questions:
  • Ballpark, home much HP/Torque would you say the map increases?
  • I get pretty bad decel popping even though the last tune I loaded was supposed to help with that. How is your decel popping with this?
  • What octane is suggested with this map. I really don't mind (actually I would prefer) a map that utilizes a higher octane fuel.
Thanks agin for offering to send! -- Jerry
Nuff said. I started a conversation with you and included my email.
One more question. I recall reading somewhere that the 12 minute tune is more or less useless to do if I have the O2 sensor removed. Is that what you understand to be the case?

2007 Classic, Tripple TORS pipes, cat delete & RamAir + TPS tweak. Worth it.
The only drawback for me is the early low throttle roll off from a right hand turn. Have to be careful. The bike wants to go.
The best part... it sounds mean throttled up. Forget loud twin sound. It'loud.
Agree with Clint It runs absolutely fabulous. It decel rumbles and pops but that is British style.