That's a tough one to diagnose. If it were mine, I think I'd pull the wheel, and have the tire broke down and re-seated, WITH lubricant. I once paid to have a rear tire mounted on one of my Hardley Sportsters. They told me something must be wrong with the tire, as they had a ton of weights glued to both sides of the wheel. On my first test ride, while going around a corner, with cars behind me, the tire popped off the rim on one side. I just barely kept it up, but had to change my shorts. Got her back home on a trailer, and found that they had not used any lubricant on the beads. Both the bead and rim were dry as a bone. Soaped her down, re-seated, and THEN had to pull all the weights off, as now with it seated right, it was in balance with no weights. I now check my newly mounted tires very closely, looking at that little bead of rubber that runs around the tire, just a 1/16" or so, out from the rim. If it's uniform with the rim, I'm OK. If it isn't, a re-seat is required. Also as has been mentioned, these Rocket rear wheels are a real ***** when it comes to mounting a tire. Last one I had done at my dealership, wound up taking 3 guys working together on the machine, to get the thing on and seated properly.