The Official Rocket Across America IV Thread

My bike is now at RPM Motorwerks, the first thing the mechanic said was "car tire" but he also said he did not think it would be an issue for insurance they just won't put them on.

Steve I read your post about the DVD,s to Marie and she started to cry, we both can't believe what a great group of friends we have just met, you guys are the best. We have only just met but you are like family to us. After we went down you all stopped and made sure we were OK, helped us , and and gave all the support possible. Special thanks to Craig Duke for getting us back to the hotel and to Lonzol and Banjo Bart for staying with us the whole time and even getting us food. I hope to repay all of you but some how I think I will always come up short. Steve and Joe(Cadfather) both offered to take us home thank you both for that, luckily we had an alternative. That would be a very long drive for either of you.

I know I said it before but you guys are the best !! We are looking forward to RAA IV

I wish I could have been able to go.

This looks like Wilbur T

And looks like Boogerdave getting a little grindage.
Awesome darkside Captains! A pleasure meet you.

13 hours and 760 miles, Wildwilley wanted to go farther but I whimped out...Darn glad we went, when is RAA 4.5???
Hopefully in the fall and in the same place. Maybe Sturgis Kentucky in late September?

Getting punked by my ole lady and here I thought it was shrinkage from freezin' on the way home... ****
Both of you may have the best skill. I saw it myself and heard others comment. My pleasure to meet you both!

Did anyone notice that rainman left sunday morning along with the bad weather. I now understand the reason for the handle...
He maide it known for his skill well in advance. Rainman, you should hire himself out during the droughts. The chances for rain are greater with you around, than washing and washing a vehicle.

...I vote we do it again in the fall. Get to check out the colors an all, who knows, we may even miss the monsoon season next time.
I 2nd the recommendation.

...Katie....Thank you for all you did and Steve......well,lets just really out did your bad self.
Amy really enjoyed your company Katie. She very much enjoyed this vacation. thanks so much both ya'll!

The Dragon and the Hellbender taught me what was possible. I hope to speed it up a bit next time:kk:
Rockets Across America IV was a vision of better times and more friends. Sweetums and Her3tic want to thank everyone; the list of contributions is too large. Thanks to everyone ***** And, as far as the alligator...I couldn't think of an original, to best the hilarious moments told during the story telling around the campfire.:D I've not had so much fun in years!!!
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RAA IV Recap

Boy it really sucked to go back to work today. I don’t know about you guys but I did not want to leave we stayed until about 5:00 exploring a new ride route ( I will be posting some teaser pictures soon hoping to entice some or all of you in returning sometime this year to do some riding.)

Tony Mac & Lester I am truly sorry things worked out as they did. I wish you all a speedy recovery and hope to be able to ride with you guys in the near future. Tony if you continue doing those 12 ounce curls like this past weekend that shoulder should be good as new. Lester sorry the accident put a damper on the honeymoon but at least you got the wife something she has been wanting for a while New Paint color for the rocket.

Billz and Duke, I thank you for the late nights you put in guarding the beer cooler and ensuring there was no beer un-drank. Duke you should call triumph and get Speedo checked out there is no way we were going that fast. (“Man That Rabbit Can Jump”) Billz that run over the skyway was one to remember. By the way I have a way to fix your mirror that has been self adjusting “SLOW THE HELL DOWN”

Baggage and Stripes I have only one thing to say “there are cops on the dragon SLOW THE HELL DOWN” Congratulations on the souvenirs complements of the fine state of Tennessee. You made us all proud I want to be like you guys when I grow up “My Heroes”

WildWilley what can I say we started our ride down the bourbon trail on Friday we made it to Woodford Reserve, Buffalo Trace, and Jim Beam before you came down with an unexpected case of the brown bottle flu. Maybe we can finish the ride to the other 4 at the next RAA. Wildwilley aka “Inspector Gadget” On the behalf of motorcycle riders every where thank you for your efforts in the financial bail out of the motorcycle accessory companies.

Rainman and Sweet Tenn. Babe My wife and I enjoyed hanging out withguys and I hope we can get together the next time you come to Kentucky. Thanks again for taking the weather with you Sunday we had a gorgeous ride sorry you missed it.

Rocky and Amy it was nice to meet you guys. If you ever make it to Kentucky please look us up. Give me about a week warning so I can put a 2nd mortgage on the house to make sure we have enough Beer.

What a talented and compassionate group of people: starting with Booger Dave the shirts were over the top what a great design. The music was great I never expected we would have a live band. Skip thanks for the great patch and pin design. Special thanks also for staying behind and helping a fellow captain. Lonnie the engraved key chains were awesome I still have the box and plan on including them with the video.

Special thanks to all that participated in the rescue mission, Lonnie, Banjo, Papa Duke, Wout and Amy. You guys were awesome. I am sure the downed riders appreciated the effort and care you provided.
Thanks to Rob and Gabi for going above and beyond to make this event a success. Everyone please take time to post a review of the holiday on trip advisor. It will really help out there business.

We met a lot of people this weekend and if I left any one out in this post my sincere apologies it was a lot to absorb in one short weekend. Not to mention I have a severe case of CRS (can’t remember $#!%) and I think I killed a few brain cells.

Thanks to everyone for the memories. I am looking forward to doing this again in the near future.

Steve & Katie
Killboy didn't see fit to mention nor post any pics of us on their highlights page. I've already flamed them on the comments section following the weekly update intro. I request others do the same. No excuse for this.