The Official Rocket Across America IV Thread

Need your pics please :)

Hey all ... I am working on the DVD and need your pics !!! You can do one of the following - create an album on and then e-mail the link to your album to me at (if you need any help with this just holler) ... If you prefer, you can mail me a CD, DVD, flash drive, etc to the below address. Also, if you have any video files - I haven't had much luck downloading them from photobucket so you may need to mail those.

256 Lang Run Court
Simpsonville, KY 40067

I don't know who all took pics so please try to have them up by this weekend and I'll finish up the DVD early next week. Thanks !!! Katie
If Boogerdave was any kind of friend, once I figured out I couldn't do a roadside repair, he would've handed me the keys to his Rocket and sent me on my way whilst he tended to getting mine towed and repaired. Yeah, that's it. That's the ticket. :)
Finally have a chance to weigh in on the RAA IV events. What a great group of people to hang out with and ride with for a weekend. The rain, work issues and my ignition switch problems were minor nuisances compared to the fun. Thanks to Skip and Cad for hanging back and helping me sort out my ignition switch problems. I owe you guys big time. Seems the ride home did the switch some good, as my bike starts 100% of the time now.

Steve and Katie, awesome job coordinating everything. Perhaps you have a future in managing biker events.

Cad, let me know when you want to do some riding.

Skip, your sissy bar is way over the top ... but it fits you.
Katie, I'll send a CD in lieu of my trying to download 307megs (105 jpeg images) to photobucket. I leave it all to your discretion including the skin flicks; that would be JDuke's head.
Cruisers-Full Dressers at Saturday starting page 70 and Sunday starting page 56. There was plenty of sunshine under some of those darksiders:cool:

I'm not sure whether a comparison with the power of a dump truck is all bad:D There's a lot of things you can haul with a dump: HDs, your various asian wanna bee's, but most importantly you will haul ass; mine for example.
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