20th Anniversary Celebration of The Rocket III

Rich T

.020 Over
Mar 3, 2017
York, UK
Triumph Rocket 20th Anniversary Weekend

The Rocket III Owners Club UK are proud to announce our 20th Anniversary Celebration of the Rocket III in collaboration with the Triumph Factory Visitors Centre, Hinckley.

Friday 14th to Monday 17th June 2024
A full weekend of activities is available from the Factory Visit on Saturday 15th, and a ride out on Sunday 16th to see the local sites, with accommodation, catering and entertainment available for Club Members and all Rocket Owners throughout the weekend. Keep reading for full details.

Booking Process

Contact the Hotel directly using the provided booking code to secure your room.
Contact the Campsites to book your Pitch.
Purchase a wristband to gain access to organised meals/events over the whole weekend from the Forum or website.(NOTE - These must be prepurchased and meal choices made to allow the hotel to plan,
they will not be available to purchase over the weekend)
If wanted please book a Triumph Factory Visitors Experience (10% discount applied, link below).
If you do not want to join in the meals and extra events we have organised, or are attending for just the day, and do not need a wristband please drop the club an email (rocket3ownersclub@rocketmail.com) with details so we can keep track of numbers.

Holiday Inn Corby Geddington Rd, Corby NN18 8ET

Booking Code : RTO or OTR on website (i know i Know 2 codes)

£95.00 per room per night based on standard double or single occupancy rooms.
Your rate also Includes, use of the leisure facilities, complimentary car-parking, WIFI and Breakfast.
Contact the hotel directly via telephone 01536 401020
or visit website Hotel Website Booking

or email: reservations@hicorby.com (Claire Miller) or events@hicorby.com (Teighan) to book in.
NOTE: you can get B and B £4 cheaper if you book through the website without code (as an IHG Member) but you do not have any option to cancel if you need to.

New Lodge Farm Rockingham Forest, Laxton Road, Corby NN17 3DU

Suggested campsite approx 6 miles from Hotel


Must be pre purchased as the Hotel will need numbers and meal choices prior to the event.

Purchasing a wristband not only gives u a memento of the weekend but also gives you
Friday evening Hot and Cold Buffet in the Manor Suite
Sat Parking Beer on return from Hinkley
Sat evening 3 course sit down meal
Saturday all Entertainment
Sunday entry fees to Historical site
Sunday entertainment
Sunday snacks/ drinks during ride out
Sunday evening 2 course Carvery

Wristbands are per person and can be collected at club desk in the Hotel reception.

Wristband can be purchased in the Forum or through the website Paypal friends and family or bank transfer to the club account is prefered. (as we wont be charged transaction fees)

By Paypal as Friends & Family to:- admin@rocket111.uk

By Bank transfer to Account Name: Rocket 3 Owners Club GB - Sort code: 40-18-24 - Account Number: 51543431

3 Day member £50
3 Day Non Memebr £75

2 Day Member £50
2 Day Mon Member £60
Factory Tour Booking
Tours must be booked individually if needed a 10% discount has already been applied
Link to book tours

(May be subject to slight change)

Friday 14th June (Day 1)

Arrive at Hotel / Campsite.
Dedicated Parking.
Club will have a manned desk in hotel reception:
Collect wristbands.
Collect any pre-ordered Regalia.
Programmes will be available.
Any help or directions if needed.
Purchase any available regalia (we will have some limited stock available)

From 1900hrs we have the Manor Suite for all wristband holders:
A Chance to meet and chat over a few drinks.
Background Music
Private Bar until midnight then the main bar will be open if required.
Hot and Cold buffet provided (wristbands)

Saturday 15th June (Day 2)

Breakfast in the Diamond Suite for hotel guests 0700hrs - 1100hrs.
0930hrs ready to ride in the bike park for a brief ride.
1000hrs Move from Hotel organised ride to Triumph Hinkley (approx 45 miles)

Arrive at Triumph Hinckley:
Parking marshals will direct parking on entry, Rockets in front of the factory, other types of bikes will be directed to another area.
Pre-Booked Factory Tours (at discounted rate).
Triumph café will be open.
Triumph Regalia shop.
Other refreshment vendors will be available outside.
Several Motorcycle related stalls will be present.
Display of new Rockets by Triumph.
Live Music by Rich Dickinsons Driving Force
Rocket competition presentations at 1500hrs
Best Original Rocket
Best Roadster
Best Touring
Best New Rocket (2500cc)
Best Trike / Combo
1600hrs Depart Hinckley for an organised ride back to the hotel.

Parking beer available on arrival at hotel car park (for wristband holders)
1900hrs Private Function in the Manor Suite (wristbands Holders only)
3 Course Meal (please make choices when purchasing wristbands)
Live Music by the Pommy granites
Raffle (TBC)
Manor Suite Bar is open till midnight then the main bar is available 24hrs.

Sunday 15th June (Day 3) A ride out around Rutland Area

Breakfast in the Diamond Suite for hotel guests 0700 hrs - 1100hrs.
0930hrs ready to ride in the bike park for a brief ride.
1000hrs depart for ride out, route will be available for info closer to date.

Several stops have been planned with some light refreshments, Some entertainment, historical photo opportunities and an awesome ride out around Rutland.
Return to Hotel by 1700hrs.

1800hrs a 2 course carvery in the Manor Suite(wristbands holders only)
The bar is open till 2300 hrs, then the main bar is 24hr.

Monday 16th June (Day 4)

Breakfast in the Diamond Suite for hotel guests 0700hrs - 1100hrs.
Event poster

This event is open to every Rocket rider.

Where: Northamptonshire, Leicestershire & Rutland, England.
When: Friday 14th - Monday 17th June 2024.

Click on the QR code or Triumph Rocket 3 Owners Club - Join Today! | Rocket 3