The Official Rocket Across America IV Thread

Send me your pics :)

Hey all. It was great meeting all of you, what a fun group !! If you can send me your pics or post them on a site like Photobucket and send me the link, I will be putting together a DVD of all the pics and movies (except the rabbit one, still trying to recover it :D) ... Also - if you have suggestions for some great biker songs for the DVD, please send me the names and artists. We have a pretty good collection but always willing to add more! Will post when the DVD is complete. Thanks !! Katie
Just checking in to let y'all know me and Lon were both safe but soaked when we parted ways at Henyetta awhile ago.
Just made it home safe, sound, and soaked ( but whats new huh).
Glad you are home safe, Skip. Thanks for the great patch and pin work! Thanks to Booger D for the great shirts. Thanks to "Speedy" Steve Cowherd for the hard work he put in and special thanks to his wonderful wife Katie! [You don't deserve her, man!] :) Of course we can't thank Ron and Gabi and all their staff enough. What a great place to stay!!
I want to thank everybody for making Wout and Amy feel so welcome. They had a great time! It was a real inspiration sharing stories with Joe, [Cadfather] Skip, Bob, Bill, etc. about their injuries and recoveries.

Here is a link to a little bit of video from Sunday. My battery went dead on the Skyway, so no footage from the Dragon.

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Well just got home safe and soggy. 2866 total miles ridden. Got drenched just 20 miles after Skip & I parted ways. Had to stop and change clothes!

Enjoyed seeing everyone, some again and some for the first time. Can't wait to do it again, (I'm headed for New Ulm, Tx this weekend, hope to see some Captains there).

Now about this RAA 4.5!;);)

Was just over at looking at his highlights from last week. Turns out Killboy, aka Darryl Cannon, went down last week himself. He is ok, but sounds like his bike is toast. photos - The Original Photographer from Hwy US129 Tail of the Dragon at Deals Gap

Scroll down about 1/4 way and you'll see his crash.

They will probably have ours up tomorrow. Maybe he will say something about the R3's in his highlights this week. We got a mention in last weeks about upcoming events.
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