The Official Rocket Across America IV Thread

My latest analysis of the progs are likewise fluid (subject to updates). It won't be a total wash and I'll be there come hell or high water by mid day Friday, if not earlier. We've [Amy (Sweetums) and I] have tentatively set up an overnight stay near Atlanta but if that falls through we may very well be there Thursday night.
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I am trying to do this and have a kitchen pass already approved by the warden, but since I really havn't worked since Feb. I need to go as cheaply as possible. So I was wondering if there was anyone willing to share/split a room with me? I promise not to snore, fart, belch or any other disgusting, smelly thing, well ok not much anyway. Just let me know. I really appreciate it.
Got you covered.
I rented a room with two beds, thinkin Rusty would show,
but circumstances prevent his comming,
that leaves an empty bed in my room bro.
If you got no objections, you're welcome to split my room with me.
Its reserved for Friday night (8th), Saturday night (9th) and Sunday night (10th).
Got you covered.
I rented a room with two beds, thinkin Rusty would show,
but circumstances prevent his comming,
that leaves an empty bed in my room bro.
If you got no objections, you're welcome to split my room with me.
Its reserved for Friday night (8th), Saturday night (9th) and Sunday night (10th).

If you're sure that it is alright with you, I'll take you up on the offer to split the room with you. I'll be coming in sometime Friday afternoon and I'll be the one on the Triumph Rocket III, so I should be easy to spot. Oh wait, that's right this is a Rocket gathering so that don't help much does it? :D Are you staying at the Holiday Motel or the one across the street? I don't know about you guys but I'm more than a little excited about getting to finally meet some of you (some others not so much):p. So add me to the list of attendees and I'll let the wife know that she is going to get a few days without me after-all. Thanks very much Skip, I'm looking forward to it. Now I just have to go out and mount my front tire.

It's the Holiday and if you get there before me you'll have to give them my real name.
Don't tell anybody but its Bill.
Bill Wilson is the alias I use to rent it.
You're more than welcome.
6 days and counting.
Yea, I'm a little excited too.
Hey, how wierd is that, I got a rocket too.
Mine should be easy to spot, it'll have a old bald guy on it,
well, that and the 3ft high sissybar.
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Work calls......

I won't be able to make it this year. Something has come up. Actually, I'm going to install a sidecar on an Road King . The customer has been waiting for a month for parts to complete the install. He bought the sidecar used and had the tub re-painted and the chassis and the chassis needed some brake parts and 2 new clevis adjusters that have all come in.

Just like you guys, when you order something from the website, you become a priority, my in person customers are a priority as well. He is very anxious to get his outfit on the road.

I've already canceled my reservation at the Cardinal.

You guys all have fun, be safe, take plenty of pictures and hopefully, we will be there next year, wherever it is.
So sorry to hear that Flipper:( But I can understand...not! Them thar HD riders can inflexible at times. He waits for months with a bike that runs, in a manner of speaking, and can't wait another week; typical, just typical. And just so he can finally take a bath; in his porta-tub.

And I was hoping we'd all get together and discuss how to save the world. It's like the Bohemian Grove gathering won't be complete without you. But you can be sure, your ears will be itching:D We can hope to see you next year; and, I hope there is a next year:eek:
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