The Official Rocket Across America IV Thread

Work Calls... Yeah Right


It not exactly that your explanation for cancelling out on RAAIV sounds like the dog ate my homework excuse, but it's close. Logic suggests that if the weather forecast were better, you might not be such a pushover for your customer. You don't know me yet, but I think that you would appreciate meeting other opinionated S..O..B.... at RAAIV. If you need any help backpeddling with your customer, I have some experience in customer resolution issues and will offer the following tips:

A. Always Tell the Truth, a reasonable appeal for logic and fairness often goes a long way towards establishing a working relationship.

B. If that doesn't work, remind the customer of who's problem is it (accept responsibility).

C. If all else fails, who says you can't fire the customer, life is too short, enjoy life more.

If you would like, I am sure that we could muster a group of your fellow Captains to have a conference call with your customer to ask "Can Flip come out to Play" . My buddies used to call me PW, when I said no. Perhaps in your case we could call you WW (work whipped). Well... there's the challenge. If this doesn't motivate you to attend, perhaps nothing will. Oh... wait, think of all the additional new business you might gain as a result of attending RAAIV. Sorry for bustin your chops, seriously, as you can tell your absence from RAAIV will present a void for all of us. Hope that you re-consider. Take care.

Your potential customer and new friend!
Don't sweat not being able to make it Flip, you not being there will make it easier to talk about you.:eek: Seriously your absence will be noticed and felt, but good on ya for taking care of the ones that pay you, maybe if Chrysler and others had done that they might not have filed for bankruptcy.
What....huh...did I hear something about breast implants??? Need to re-read that!

Awww, it was Flip with breast implants. EEEEWWWWWW You had my attention for a minute and now you lost it again! :)
Flip rode his bike last year with just the motivation of wanting to be there.
His bike was runnin like crap and its a wonder he didn't turn around a thousand miles before Eureka Springs,
and head back to closer to home, but he wanted to be with us.
His bike, though it sounded like it was on its last leg, carried him safely there and home again before it gave up.
Thats a faithful stead.
have no doubt its owner is any less faithful in his desire to be with us again.
We all have jobs, and families to support.
flips got a PAYING job to do, would any of us do less?
Carry on Flip, I'm proud of you for having your priorities straight.
You will be missed , but there's always RAA 4.5 in Texas,or RAA 5.
flips got a PAYING job to do, would any of us do less?

Uh . . yea . . . customers will be there Tuesday. Actually, customers will probably be there Friday, Saturday, Sunday . . . I have ball caps and koozies coming with me . . . RAA4.

Carry on Flip, I'm proud of you for having your priorities straight.

And then you start talking about him having his prior titties straight . . . :rolleyes:
Flip knows any one of us would peddle his goods for him in his absence.
Heck, I think I've got about everything he sells, and there's lots of us with his clamps and liners, so if anyone asks, you know where we'll send em.
I just wanted to see the NEW, Modified (non-smoking) Flip.
Sure wish you could be there buddy, but we'll take lots of pictures.
I'd forgotten that I wasn't smoking any more. It's easy to forget. It's been since January now. I have gotten larger in circumference, I'll equate that to the hard candy.

This guy with the HD came to me on a recommendation of a dealer I know. No one around here can mount and align a sidecar...remember, sidecars require leanout and toe in and steering dampers because modern motorcycles don't have enough trail in the front end to negate headshake. He's spent a ton of money on his outfit and I'm gonna relieve him of some more.....
Not too much, just a bit. HD owners have money. Look at what they ride.....:)

Like the flamethrower I've been working on, I never turn away work. It's all fun even though, this time it does interfere with with something I want to do. I like travelling by motorcycle anyway and I'm sure my Classic is just fine now that's it's rebuilt. I've been riding it as much as possible. I try to rotate through all 3 bikes and put equal mileage on each even though it's hard to go from a 2 wheeler to an offset 3 wheeler and back again. I have to be really careful or I'll wind up in the ditch.

Remember, I'm retired and living solely on a pension. My teaching job want away last fall (thanks to the recession), so all I have is my stipend and whatever I can bring in, in the shop and a little bit from the website...**** little there. I try to give you guys the best prices possible so there isn't much left to play with.

Speaking of websites, I'm going to reduce the prices of all the Flipmeisters Signature Products (The stuff I make)....The Brake Line Clamps, the Handlebar Clamps and all the radiator inserts. The Pannier Liner Kits will come down a bit, but not as much as the stainless and aluminum items. The reason why is that the price of materials is actually coming down, something I find odd considering the price of food is going up. HDPE isn't coming down like metal and if it comes down, I'll reduce the price of the Pannier Liner Kit in relationship to the decrease.

I'll post more about the prices in the next few days in another thread.

This is the forst RAA I've missed, well, the second. I didn't make the first one in Kansas City that Tomo put on but that one was a dinner run. This one will make two for two. I promise I'll make the next one no matter where it is. If it's the Left Coast, I'll have to trailer out, but I'll be there.

On another note, I have my potatoes and onions planted as well as my sprouts, cabbage and brocoli. I have to get the beans, peppers and corn in yet. Being retired means being in the garden too.

You guys all be careful and no consuming and driving. you all know what my view on alcohol is.

I'll be thinking about you and wishing I was there, but, duty calls. I can't turn down a good paying job or a customer. I'm way too small to be independent. Chrysler got independent and look what happened to them.
Flip sorry to hear that you can't make it this year I was looking forward to meeting you, but I fully understand. I can't really afford the trip either but if we don't go my wife will string me up by my balls.:eek: This is our first vacation since we married 19 years ago. She calls this our honeymoon. About the alcohol, I don't drink when I'm on 2 wheels and she drives if we are in the car I've pushed my luck as far as I care to on that point.

See you next year Flip.