The Official Rocket Across America IV Thread


Living Legend
Mar 5, 2006
Kansas City, MO USA
It seems like everyone has had a hard time being away from me since RAAIII in Eureka Springs, and those that didn't meet me are disappointed they didn't make it, so here is the the Official RAAIV thread (at least until it gets too long), so you all can plan on the next time you will see me.

Plus TMac asked I start this thread....he scares me and I don't want to piss him off.:D
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Thanks for setting this post up.

I propose RAA IV is held at Pigeon Forge. TN. (Which will mean a bit of a hike for the Texan Captains but it gives Britman and other east coast Captains a break after there efforts getting too RAA III)

As it gets hotter than hell there in the Summer may I be so bold as to suggest that RAA IV takes place earlier in the year.

How does Friday 8th May to Monday 11th May 2009 grab y'all? (my reasoning for this being purely selfish, I will Stateside then and will be able to attend with Sandy)

Pigeon Forge Attractions Guide - Dollywood, Splash Country & More

Inside Pigeon Forge TN - Reviews Coupons & Discounts

Heres a list of 2009 official holidays to assist Captains decide what will work best for them

Federal Legal Holidays 2009
January 1, 2009: New Year's Day [Jan. 1 every year]
January 19, 2009: Martin Luther King Day [3rd monday in Jan]
January 20, 2009: Inauguration Day [every 4th year]
February 16, 2009: Presidents Day (observed) [3rd monday in Feb]
note: Presidents Day is also Washington's Birthday (observed)
May 25, 2009: Memorial Day (observed) [last monday in May]
July 4, 2009: Independence Day [July 4 every year]
September 7, 2009: Labor Day [1st monday in Sept]
October 12, 2009: Columbus Day (observed) [2nd monday in Oct]
November 11, 2009: Veterans' Day [Nov. 11 every year]
November 26, 2009: Thanksgiving Day [4th thursday in Nov]
December 25, 2009: Christmas Day [Dec. 25 every year]

Plus Easter Sunday is April 12 2009

And heres a list of whats on in Pigeon Forge 2009 just so we don't finish up with any wild basket weavers or cross stitchers:eek:

4/4/2009 Legacy Network – Men’s Conference GRHCC; For more information call 1-800-251-4444 4/4/2009 Belz Outlets Annual Easter Egg Hunt Belz Outlets; For More information call (865) 453-7316 4/4/2009 Chuckwagon Gang & Friends Smoky Mountain Convention Center; For more information call 1-888-319-1021 4/4/2009 Easter Egg Hunt & Breakfast with the Easter Bunny Pigeon Forge Community Center; breakfast at 8:00 A.M. Egg Hunt at 10:00 A.M. 865-429-7373 4/16/2009-
4/19/2009 Belz OutletsTruckload Sale Belz Outlets; For more information call (865) 453-7316 4/16/2009-
4/19/2009 Grand Spring Rod Run Grand Resort Hotel & Convention Center; For more information call 1-800-251-4444 4/17/2009 Fiesta-Val Band and Chorus Competition Music Road Hotel & Convention Center; Spectators Welcome; Free; For more information call (804) 264-8663 4/17/2009-
4/19/2009 Grand Spring Rod Run Grand Resort Hotel & Convention Center; For more information call 1-800-251-4444 4/23/2009-
4/24/2009 Conservative Christian Ministries 4th Annual Ladies Retreat in the Smokies Holiday Inn Resort Hotel; For more information contact Connie Harman (276) 964-5663 or visit Conservative Christian Ministries - About Us 4/24/2009-
4/26/2009 Gold Wings GRHCC; For more information call 1-800-251-4444 4/24/2009 Fiesta-Val Band and Chorus Competition Music Road Hotel & Convention Center; Spectators Welcome; Free; For more information call (804) 264-8663 4/27/2009-
9/28/2009 Dollywood’s Festival of Nations (Closed Tuesdays & Easter Sunday); 1-800-DOLLYWOOD 4/30/2009-
5/3/2009 Shrine FunFest Music Road Hotel & Convention Center; 1-800-429-7700; For more information call (865) 573-1901 5/1/2009-
5/2/2009 Relay for Life Patriot Park; 2:00 p.m. on May 1st to 2:00 p.m. on May 2nd 5/2/2009 Shrine FunFest Parade Public Welcome; 9:00 a.m. on the Parkway 5/3/2009 Shrine Funfest Music Road Hotel & Convention Center; 1-800-429-7700; For more information call (865) 573-1901 5/8/2009 24th Annual Dolly Parade 6 p.m.; (865) 453-8574, 1-800-251-9100 5/15/2009-
5/17/2009 Chevy Classics Roundup – 1955, 1956, 1957 Chevy Classics Show (865) 984-3758; Inn at Christmas Place, 1-888-465-9644 5/21/2009-
5/25/2009 Belz Outlets Sidewalk Sale Belz Outlets; For More information call (865) 453-7316 6/2/2009-
6/4/2009 Total Abandonment Youth Conference GRHCC; For more information call 1-800-251-4444 6/4/2009-
6/6/2009 18th Annual Smoky Mountains Storytelling Festival™ Belle Island Village; For more information call (865) 429-7350 6/5/2009-
6/6/2009 Pontiacs in Pigeon Forge Classic Car Show Music Road Hotel & Convention Center; For more information call (865) 379-9595 6/5/2009-
6/26/2009 3rd Annual Smoky Mountain Music & Heritage Series 6:30 P.M. – Old Mill Square – Free Admission – For info 865-428-0771 or visit us on the web at The Old Mill Square of Pigeon Forge, TN | Family Vacation, Pigeon Forge Shopping, Attractions, Restaurants, Toys, Children's Gifts, Gifts, Candy in Pigeon Forge East Tennessee 6/12/2009-
8/2/2009 Dollywood’s KidsFest™ For more information call 1-800-DOLLYWOOD 6/13/2009 Smith Family Theater Great Smoky Mountains 75th Anniversary Benefit Show Smith Family Theater; For more information and show times call 1-866-399-8100 6/16/2009 Total Abandonment Youth Conference GRHCC; For more information call 1-800-251-4444 6/25/2009-
6/28/2009 Great Smoky F-100 Run SSCC; 1-800-251-4444 7/3/2009-
7/5/2009 Belz Outlets Sidewalk Sale Belz Outlets; For More information call (865) 453-7316 7/3/2009 3rd Annual Smoky Mountain Music & Heritage Series 6:30 P.M. – Old Mill Square – Free Admission – For information call (865) 428-0771 or visit us on the web at The Old Mill Square of Pigeon Forge, TN | Family Vacation, Pigeon Forge Shopping, Attractions, Restaurants, Toys, Children's Gifts, Gifts, Candy in Pigeon Forge East Tennessee 7/4/2009 19th Annual Patriot Festival Patriot Park; For more information call (865) 429-7350 7/5/2009 Community Chorus Christian Day 7/8/2009-
7/12/2009 SEAA Girls Slow Pitch World Series City Park; For more Information call (865) 717-4932 or visit Seaa Softball 7/12/2009-
7/15/2009 KIDABRA! The Association of Family & Kidshow Performers Annual Convention Music Road Hotel & Convention Center; Registration required; Grand Finale Public Show, August 15th at 8:00 p.m.; For more information call (336) 492-7870 7/20/2009-
7/26/2009 SEAA Girls Fast Pitch World Series City Park; For more Information call (865) 717-4932 or visit Seaa Softball 8/1/2009-
8/31/2009 Celebrate Freedom! 8/1/2009 George Jones in Concert Country Tonite Theatre; For more information call 1-800-792-4308 8/2/2009-
8/12/2009 Dollywood’s KidsFest™ 1-800-DOLLYWOOD 8/3/2009-
8/8/2009 Church of God Mountain Assembly Conference GRHCC; For more information call 1-800-251-4444 8/14/2009-
8/16/2009 Smoky Mountain Bull Dog Club SSCC; For more information call 1-800-251-4444 8/14/2009-
8/15/2009 5th Annual StringTime in the Smokies™ Patriot Park; For more information call (865) 429-7350 8/16/2009-
8/19/2009 Total Abandonment Youth Conference GRHCC; For more information call 1-800-251-4444 8/24/2009-
8/26/2009 13th Annual World Premiere Gospel Concert GRHCC; For more information call 1-800-251-4444 9/4/2009-
9/6/2009 Belz Outlets Sidewalk Sale Belz Outlets; For More information call (865) 453-7316 9/4/2009-
9/27/2009 Dollywood’s Barbeque & Bluegrass (Closed Thursdays);1-800-DOLLYWOOD 9/5/2009-
9/7/2009 Christmas Place Annual Sidewalk Sale For more information call 1-800-445-3396 9/11/2009-
9/12/2009 Shades of the Past Rod Run XXVII National Parks Resort Lodge & Smoky River Ranch – Fax (865) 995-9097 or Fax (865)429-0159

Lets all ensure we do what we have to do to get Pianoman to RAA IV

Fellow Captains your input appreciated

I wonder if we'll beat the epic post setting up RAA III???
You ain't gonna like this....

I'm not going to Pigeon Forge or Dollywood or Severeville. I can't stand plastic bull**** and traffic jams. I much prefer more rustic, down to earth tourist traps like Maggie Valley or Eureka Springs or even Branson. If you are an old fart with a Winnebago and a penchant for a continuous line of glitzy neon shrouded less than adequate beaneries with absurd prices, screaming kids and a generally rude atmosphere...I recommend Pigeon Forge...for you, not me. Been there done that, not going back. Pass.

That's my bottom line. Have fun. I'll see you the following year, hopefully, so long as you all pick someplace enjoyable and slightly affordable to go to.
Any suggestions then Flip?
Or is "i ain't going" your final answer, (which knowing you, I doubt)
Besides, I owe you a couple of fine cigars, so you gotta come.:D
Yea, has anyone seen Pianoman? Could we maybe help him through this difficult time somehow?
Anywhere in that area will work, I proposed Pigeon Forge purely so we all could stay in the same hostelry.................and perhaps use the charms of its most famous citizen to entice RidinSunshine & Bear:D
...I don't care where it is actually. I just refuse to stay anywhere near that area. I don't like it. Been there....I bought my camper in Severeville and I've been there a few times and everytime I go, when I leave, I'm always amazed when I look back on the trip just how much of a tourist trap the area is and how little people there have any desire to even be polite...even when they are taking your money and they will take plenty. Everything is high buck there from gasoline to McDees. Again, there is no 'Southern Hospitality' in Pigeon Forge, Severville or the surronding area. It's all about relieving you of your money and giving as little in return as possible.

Like I said, I'm not going to decide. I'll be there but if it's that area, I'll stay off site somewhere and ride in each day.

Hell, I'd rather stay in downtown Detroit.:eek:
Since the dragon was brought up before, Maggie Vally is a great location however last time I was up there I staid in the 2 wheel inn in Robinsville NC. The owners are great people only bad side is its a dry county 16 miles to the closest gas station that has beer. Maggie Vally would have everything and a nice little bar I love. This is just my two cents worth take it as you will
We could do Lynchburg, TN.. :) Take a tour of the Jack Daniels distillery.. Ride the roads around Tims Ford Lake. I think Alan Jackson has a house on the lake somewhere. I used to know the roads real well, but it's been many years since I've been there.. My X is from that area.. lol

Of course, Lynchburg is in a dry county.. lol That makes sense doesn't it.. :)

I like the idea of the Barber Sports Complex in Birmingham, AL.. That sounds really cool. Doubt we could afford track time.. but the museum itself sounds awesome!