We just had Thanksgiving dinner at my niece's house and of course the whole family was there. I ate way too much and after dinner we were all sitting around and Bart and I got to talking about RAA. He would have come last year but he was already booked for another trip and the subject got around to a location and I mentioned the Pigeon Forge locale and he countered with...'Going to Pigeon Forge or Severville or any thing around there is like taking a vacation trip to Gary, Indiana....come to think about it, I'd rather go to Gary, Indiana'......
Looks like Banjo Bart is in theis year depending on the date. He is going to Alaska sometime next year on the bike....No, not the R3. 1800 VTX. He told me he's taking one of the VTX's (he's got 7 bikes now including his newest, an HD). When he gets back from Alaska, he's selling the 1800 VTX for whatever he can get for it. Alaska is hard on a bike. One of my ADV friends went last year on his 1200 GS Beemer for around 15,000 miles and lots of it was on gravel roads, roads regularly covered with CaCl. He told me that every night before he camped, he'd have to wash the bike at the local coin auto wash or a hose....The CaCl completely encases the bike, engine, wheels...everything in a grey corrosive paste. His bike looked like it went through a war when he got back, I saw it....but then GS1200's are fugly anyway.
We could go to Alaska and visit Sarah Palin, maybe shoot a moose or go fishing with her hubby.......
I'm going to throw my hat in for Maggie Valley.
Honestly, I could care less abot the Wheels Through Time Museum. I was there last year and it cost 10 bucks to get in and frankly, it wasn't worth 10 bucks. There are a lot of old bikes there but it kinda reminds me of junkyard but with vehicles that run instead of junkers.
I like Maggie Valley for it's close proximity to the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Dragon and the Cheroloha (I think that's how it's spelled) Parkway plus all the good riding roads there. It's friggin beautiful and the whole area is really attuned to bikes and finally, everyone is friendly and it's not that expensive.
I've also wanted to go to Branson for a while now....It's also a nice location and it has nightlife as well as good accomodation and the Ozarks also have good riding roads. I suspect that if it's Branson, my wife will come along as well. Guess that will mean no Rocket. I'll have to bring the Bonnie and the sidecar.......