The Official Rocket Across America IV Thread

My Mistake Flip:

My Bad Flip,

I didn't read your post correctly. :eek:

I'm a little relieved because I couldn't imagine a guy like you not enjoying the Barber Museum.

It sounds like to me we are going to the NC/TN general area, like I said in my other post many here have better knowledge than I of the area and if there is better riding than the area around the Dragon, I can't wait!

Let's get a date and go for it!

Anybody in the area got a handle on whats going on when.
Bike rallys, local festivities, ect.
Anybody want to look for a decent motel where we ALL can stay in one place this go round.
Rocket 727,
the Pig Trail is Arkansas hiway 23. A good ride, lots of twistys and switchbacks. It was alot of fun watching 20 or so Rockets ahead of me for that ride. But Lon said the dragon makes it look tame by comparrison, so thats good enough for me. You don't want to miss RAA4. I know 3 was a blast.
In agreement?

Why don't we do this. Lets all query different lodging for prices. I'll get in contact with the place in Maggie that I stayed at en route to Nashville and everyone elso do the same with their favorites.

To base line a rate, lets make it a 3 night stay in early September with 10 units reserved and get a price on that basis.

How does that sound?
Skip, click on the link below and slide the map around. You will see Little Switzerland on the Parkway. Go southwest on the Parkway until you see Hwy 80 heading south. it goes down the mountain and at a point picks up the Toe River running long side it. This is my favorite ride. I take it and a route (Hwy 9) across I-40 to more climbs and switchbacks, then down to Chimney Rock/Lake Lure to Margaritaville Restuarant where there are usually a ton of bikes, especially on the weekends. It's right across the road from the beach at Lake Lure. Lake Lure is where the movie, "Dirty Dancing" was shot. Chimney Rock is right next door and. A walk through the tunnel and up the elevator gives you one of the best views east of the Mississippi.

There are also some great roads coming out of Burnsville, which is north of Little Switzerland. Hwy 197 is as crooked as a "blacksnake".

If one likes this kind of riding, this area offers as good as I've ever seen and I've ridden out West and in Europe. Whether RAA ends up in this area or not, don't pass up a couple of days to spend here if you get the chance.

Another idea would be to stay in Lake Lure/Chimney Rock and go north on the Parkway for riding and visiting other sites. It would give more variety for restuarants and night life. I haven't priced the rooms there but I know they would be more expensive.

Click here: Map of Carolina Hemlock Recreation AR, 8512 State Highway 80 S, Burnsville, NC 28714 on National Citysearch
A start on RAAIV now is an great idear.

I have to agree.

I have suggested regional rendezvous and the serious travelers meet for an annual in the central area. That could obligate Flipper and yourself; since NC/TN is too far for you :D I like the idea of a Dragon Rocket Awakening in early May. I look forward to a lower case rendezvous location. A smaller burg with plenty of Hooters :D
I thought that all of the "serious" riders showed up at E.S.:D If I have enough vaction time left over, I'm in. You and I have to solve all the worlds political problems;)
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the Margaritagrille has been bulldozed to make room for something else. We rode there last summer to find an empty lot. :mad:
Bryson City, Cherokee, and that general area is great. The Blue Ridge Parkway starts in Cherokee and Deals Gap is only an hour or two away. The riding in that area is amazing and there is a lot of stuff do do in the Cherokee area. Bryson City has a couple of easy motels . . . Motel 6 to bed and breakfasts. I think I read someone talking about "Unto These Hills" which is a play put on every evening in Cherokee . . . very interesting. Anyway, anything in that area has my vote.