The Official Rocket Across America IV Thread

Brevard is pretty centrally located to the area ya'll are talking about. You can have a pretty easy ride to Cherrokee or Boone in a day. Hwy 276 South across Ceasar's Head, Table rock State Park, Hwy 276 North by Sliding Rock to the Parkway, Hwy 64 West to Cashiers & Highlands & Dragon Tail, Chimney Rock East on Hwy 64 about an hour and a half...........all good riding. Brevard has a few hotels now.
Right you are, DByers. Also, the Blue Ridge Motorcycle Campground is just across the Parkway on 276 near Cruso. The climb from the campground to the parkway on 276 should be twisty enough for anyone.
Raa iv date

I'm going to give this a bump and make one more plea for a date. I have to make my vacation pick on Jan. 6, I've got enough senority that I can get just about any time, (old fart), but after that it will be hit and miss for me.

I'm going to give a vote for the May 8 - 11 date, everyone will have some spring riding fever and will not have already had the whole summer of activities behind them. Might get more participation that way, (besides I've got to see Big Tony's purple water drops)!

There have been alot of good suggestions about where and they all sound good to me, (can be decided later).

Sure would help me out to know a date.

May 8-11 has my vote too.
That way I can get on the calendar at work too.
Heck, we can do it again in the fall if we want to,
but by May, I'm gonna be ready for a GOOD ride.
Point of Consolidation

Where and when is the official Spring Rendezvous? What's the current head count? I'm disadvantaged and have to have it spelled out or at the very least blue parking
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All I can say is there is a lot of rain in May normally......SPRING SHOWERS.
No doubt there are Severe Spring weather patterns but Barack will solve it all with a new agenda After-all global warming is on the fore front of his administrations agenda. Second only to bailing out everyone in the dear Socialist fashion Seriously, actually that is very very serious, on the issue of weather in the Smokys this Spring? It's always a hit and miss and it can be anywhere. Bring good rain gear and I imagine your muckluks for your great northern start. I have both Nelson Rigg and Frogf Togfs, for the better half and I. The Frogg Toggs pack tighter and are lighter weight. but just as durable for the occasional spring rains.
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Here is the monthly rainfall totals (averages) for the general area of Tail of the Dragon, Cherokee, etc. If it's going to be in the spring . . makes no difference when. Totals are about the same. If you want a little later in the year . . say Aug - Oct. Totals go down. Me . . . I dont care either way. As we used to say in 1st SOW . . Any time - Any Place.

Cherokee Weather - North Carolina - Average Temperatures and Rainfall
...As we used to say in 1st SOW . . Any time - Any Place...
Remember that not everyone had such upbringings. Some get a sniffle at 40 Telling the truth: The first weeks of May can be violent for the mid west and plains. The Spring weather can be and shall be somewhere; unless the global warming enablers have a different plan in mind. But! Can you imagine Spring Time in the Smokys! Spring Time anywhere along the route! I do expect the enablers to....

I offer my usual services to: broad brush the outlook and update the near term forecasts. Anyone with a specific route interest, PM me and I will service the route forecasts.
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