@Rocket Scientist
Mittzy is on the money with his comments. I took over a month to solve the dreaded start click and after replacing the battery, dismantling and cleaning the starter (twice), replacing the start solenoid contacts, installing an additional earth cable, repairing chafed ignition switch wires, cleaning starter button contacts, cleaning start circuit loom plug terminals - I found that cleaning the spade terminals on the start relay under the roadsters right side cover made the fkn sun shine again
The click appears to be caused by low volts to the start solenoid allow it to close (Making the “click”) but not providing enough volts to turn the starter. I opened the start button and found 12v at the terminal before closing the button and 8v when the button was held on. Of course this only happened 50% of the time, the other 50% the motor started like nothing was wrong.

Thanks to help from mittzy, ozrider and my beer fridge my mental health was maintained throughout the process.