take the diff. housing apart or not


.020 Over
Jan 9, 2010
High threre !

I have a problem:

The oil drain plug from the final drive broke. Part of it is now inside the housing.

Can I take the diff. housing apart or not ? Anybody did this ?

Thanks !
If you do a search for "Drain Plug Final Drive Unit" there is information available.
If part of it fell in the diff you must have pushed it in on purpose:D Do not panic it is a real simple fix, the centre bit inside of the broken bolt is a magnet get a centre punch and slighty tap it in just enough to get a flat tip screwdriver in behind it and unscrew the broken bolt it is that easy -- just push the centre piece in enough to get the tip of the screw driver in behind it.
You can order a new plug from bike bandit I ordered two the last time just in case I do it again.
You can go to any hardware store and get a temp plug in the meantime. The torque setting for the plug is if I remember correctly is 10 or 11 lbs it is not much use a torque wrench or you will break it again.:D
If part of it fell in the diff you must have pushed it in on purpose:D Do not panic it is a real simple fix, the centre bit inside of the broken bolt is a magnet get a centre punch and slighty tap it in just enough to get a flat tip screwdriver in behind it and unscrew the broken bolt it is that easy -- just push the centre piece in enough to get the tip of the screw driver in behind it.
You can order a new plug from bike bandit I ordered two the last time just in case I do it again.
You can go to any hardware store and get a temp plug in the meantime. The torque setting for the plug is if I remember correctly is 10 or 11 lbs it is not much use a torque wrench or you will break it again.:D

This does not work. The magnetic part is somewhere inside the housing, not visible.
Get one of those magnets on a stick and put it in the hole and see if you can fish it out, I have not tried this, just a thought.