Sunglasses what do you use while riding?

Flip down internal sun visor.

If you MUST wear sunglasses make sure they have ballistic proofed lenses. One spiky bit of gravel is all it takes.
Find polarised ones if you can.

Polarized lenses alone are fine unless your helmet has a polarized face shield, in which case the
interaction between the two can be seriously distorted and dangerous!!!

BTW, I wear Ray Ban Aviators, alternating with these Oakleys, which provide a good bit more coverage/protection, but aren't nearly as cool as the classic aviator...
I've got several sets of issued aviators somewhere in a box somewhere crossing the mid Atlantic. If I ever find them, I'll give you a pair of you'll go in a bar and get on the piano and sing unchained melody or great balls of fire ;)
I would definitely do that, Mike. I've had many pairs of their venerated aviators over the years, but the best ones had green, G-15 glass lenses that had a gradient mirrored finish - fully mirrored at the top, thinning out to a clear glass finish at the bottom. Very cool shades!
I'm not Mike, lol ;) most people have called me "Crack" for the past 15 years, but my mom still insists on calling me James. I'll still look for the glasses, but I think the thinning mirrors may have been before my time. Heck, the AF even banned mirrored glasses of any kind for a while :( May be still? Haven't looked since the replaced 35-10 ;)
Oakley Tapers with polarized lens... The arms are thin so fit comfortably under my helmet.
best glasses have flexible enough stems for your helmet. With my full-face, i need softer stems. Oakley M-Frames or Wiley-X are great choices with lots of frame colors and shades
I'm not Mike, lol ;) most people have called me "Crack" for the past 15 years, but my mom still insists on calling me James. I'll still look for the glasses, but I think the thinning mirrors may have been before my time. Heck, the AF even banned mirrored glasses of any kind for a while :( May be still? Haven't looked since the replaced 35-10 ;)

Ooops, my bad, James! So what was the screen name of the Army Captain stationed in Germany to whom I sold my GIPro with ATRE years ago???

Shoot the dog! Getting older really sucks sometimes.
I did buy your gipro ;) sold it to someone in the baltics though, because I did the manual secondary removals. There was another American rocket captain on here from Germany, who's since been moved to Hawaii. His name is Mike (MikeDeY screen name). No worries though, not a big deal, just letting you know ;)