Sunglasses what do you use while riding?

i bought one of these light reactive visors for my shoei,
was a bit skeptical until i tried it out but it is the best thing ever, changes constantly with the light so if the sun goes behind a cloud you don't have to slow down or take your sunglasses off to see properly. Only possible downside is you need to carry sunglasses for when you stop and take off the helmet
i bought one of these light reactive visors for my shoei,
was a bit skeptical until i tried it out but it is the best thing ever, changes constantly with the light so if the sun goes behind a cloud you don't have to slow down or take your sunglasses off to see properly. Only possible downside is you need to carry sunglasses for when you stop and take off the helmet
I lose 'em or break 'em too often to have nice ones, so I just wear whatever roadside stores sell for 10-20$
Just ordered me a brand new FULL FACE helmet (another Bell).
A big move for me as I haven't worn one since my race days ended in '87.
Tis supposed to have this photochromatic shield as well.
We shall soon see how it all fits and works. :rolleyes: :whitstling: :thumbsup:
Just ordered me a brand new FULL FACE helmet (another Bell).
A big move for me as I haven't worn one since my race days ended in '87.
Tis supposed to have this photochromatic shield as well.
We shall soon see how it all fits and works. :rolleyes: :whitstling: :thumbsup:

G'day Bull ,do you mean you have not worn any helmet or a full face helmet since 87,I know some States in the US have no compulsory Helmet laws , I alternate between an open face Californian Highway Patrol style shorty helmet and a couple of different open face and full face ones, I like the protection given by the full face but find with my limited neck rotation I have much better peripheral vision with the shorty style helmet and am a lot less likely to collide with a vehicle in my "blind"spot when leaving the kerb or changing lanes. bigger mirrors would probably help :unsure:
Instead of sunglasses, I've had an HJC Symax flip up face mask for about 9 years now (it's the helmet on the bike in my profile Picture) and have loved it. The shields (tinted or clear) can be replaced in about 20 seconds and aside from the shield itself being movable, the entire front face of the helmet rotates up and out of the way, great for being at prolonged stops, or when you just want more air. Flipped up it does add some wind drag, so you don't want to do it going 100+, but aside from that, just fine.

They still make the Symax, but the new line they call the IS-Max, meaning integrated sunshield. It has a normal shield, but inside, has a flip up/down sunshield as well as a full flip up front. I haven't tried one on as my Symax is still just fine, but when I do get a new one I'll be trying that IS-Max out.

I used to try to stuff sunglasses under the helmet but when I found that Symax, it seemed to fit the bill for me.
G'day Bull ,do you mean you have not worn any helmet or a full face helmet since 87,I know some States in the US have no compulsory Helmet laws , I alternate between an open face Californian Highway Patrol style shorty helmet and a couple of different open face and full face ones, I like the protection given by the full face but find with my limited neck rotation I have much better peripheral vision with the shorty style helmet and am a lot less likely to collide with a vehicle in my "blind"spot when leaving the kerb or changing lanes. bigger mirrors would probably help :unsure:

I pretty much always wear a helmet when riding. Only exception is once in awhile when in a state with no requirement, I might put from the ,motel a block or three to dinner just to feel naked for a moment.
I have worn open face helmets since '87 when I wore a Bell full face on the Ninja. My current open face is a Bell and this new full face is a Bell. When I rode motor helmets were the shorty style. Now they all wear open face. I just couldn't resist the cool WWII graphics . . .
New Bell.jpg
These questions and comments about wearing a helmet or not, or feeling naked for a few blocks if their not required reminds me of when I was a young (and I know everything) kid of about 17.

I was working at a local drug store about 2 miles from home and would ride my old Yamaha 500 to work. My mom made me promise I would ALWAYS wear a "hood" as she called them when I'm on the bike. Well, one day I'm going to work and left my helmet in my room. I decide heck its only a few minutes to work, why go back inside the house and walk all the way upstairs to my bedroom and get my helmet. Well you guessed it, that was the day I went down going around a corner.:oops: No damage to me except a skinned up knee, a few cuts on my hands and a ruined pair of pants. The bike....well I sure screwed up the fairing, pegs, and side case.....

Mom did not say a word! And her silence was deafining! Have always worn a brain bucket since.

These questions and comments about wearing a helmet or not, or feeling naked for a few blocks if their not required reminds me of when I was a young (and I know everything) kid of about 17.
I was working at a local drug store about 2 miles from home and would ride my old Yamaha 500 to work. My mom made me promise I would ALWAYS wear a "hood" as she called them when I'm on the bike. Well, one day I'm going to work and left my helmet in my room. I decide heck its only a few minutes to work, why go back inside the house and walk all the way upstairs to my bedroom and get my helmet. Well you guessed it, that was the day I went down going around a corner.:oops: No damage to me except a skinned up knee, a few cuts on my hands and a ruined pair of pants. The bike....well I sure screwed up the fairing, pegs, and side case.....
Mom did not say a word! And her silence was deafining! Have always worn a brain bucket since.

I hear ya!
My cousin recently was attacked by a raisin cage driver turning left in front of him.
Twas that short ride to the store, a rare time he did not wear his lid.
Now he's dealing with a brain injury and staples in his head.