Steering Bearing Replacement

Yeah, anything that's somewhat tacky and water resistant so it doesn't wash away should do. Just went with the Belray because it was readily available (I live in a port city) and cheap.
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I have to get it done too...feeling horrible wobble at 100mph....the bike has only 6700 miles on it....bought from the first owner at 2000, never knew that’s had to take it for the adjustments for newb
Would it be possible for the experts here to post these kind of recommendations as best practices in the resources section????? It will help a great deal for newbies like me to get preventive maintenance ahead of time.....please
For this fork bearing service....I will try to follow this thread to order tools and stuff....unless the dealer does it fairly economically? Seems like it needs expert hands!!!
Check your front and rear tire wear as well first and possibly replace before doing bearings, at most they should need a slight tightening. If still on old stock Metzlers that would explain front wobbles if cupped or any other tire issues front or rear.
I changed my tires recently, front michelin and rear exedra combination....the wobbling started after that....before it was stock Metzlers, front was cupped but still never felt such strong 100mph wobbling....but I guess 6500 no adjustments means it is needed some how....let’s see what $ dealer asks for.....I will learn to do it myself if it’s killing high
@sonny or many others will tell or show you how, I think he did a thread or 2 on headstem bearings.
Yes, @sonny committed to what he might regret
Read the service manual, seems like it’s not a task for newb like me....could not find any video as well....let me know if some expert record the process next he does it....the minor adjustments as well the complete bearing service, please????

as I understand at this point:
first step: to check minor adjustments needed to the play in the handle
Second step: detailed bearing service, this seems to be a task for the expert
Third step: to upgrade the shocks and oil refill, again a task for the expert?

a video would be a great help, youtube is full of similar tasks but for other simpler bikes but none for rocket3.

It is not that difficult. We can walk you through it. Between myself and a few others on here we can guide you through. Will post some pics tonight of required tools along with part numbers of tools. Let the fun begin.
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Don't use WD40. Reason grease is thick & sticky is so that it doesn't run out of the races . Otherwise your wasting good grease & time.