The second reading is before I started it and the first is when I turned it on to start did not start.
Just click. Not Sure how many times I would have needed to push before it started .


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ok I got a great used started from Jake shaw.
and it started first time and then it wouldn't. start the second time same clicking noise, so it's not the starter.
I sometimes push it and starts the first time or some time I need to keep on pushing until she starts some time like 20 times what could it be?
Yep. Just take the back cover off of the square looking parts. Take out the contacts and the round bit. Sand it clean. 100% garantee this is the issue. Very typical literally 20 minutes and some 220 grit sandpaper.
See the video I made.
You also want to know the voltage of the battery while you are cranking. Anytjing lower than 9.5 volts is a suspect battery. A new battery will not drip lower than 10 volts while cranking.
I bought new contacts kit for my other starter, and was still the same clicking noise and started some times the first or the second or the 20th time. Mechanic said that that gear could be worn and not fitting perfect all the time and the banging was it hitting. and not engaging all the time that's why it wasn't starting all the time
So now I went and got another starter and same exact thing nothing different same clicking sound and no pattern when she will start:(
Pull one of the spark plugs from each cylinder and disconnect the others from the plugs so it cant fire.
Now try again. If the issue is the same then it's the starter and or its affiliated components not how hard it has to work.
so to double check, all the copper contacts on both stationary contacts and the round plunger are nice clean smooth shiny right?

Check to make sure the negative battery cable is good. There is a bs connection halfway down. Same with the positive, the connections or the wire might be an issue.
Its probably not the starter
Ok I'll look up some videos to see where the spark plug lol and I look at cables tomorrow . And I'll also look at contacts its might be possible my other starter I put new contacts on but perhaps the gear was a little worn , and now this starter has a better gear but the contacts need to be clean .
I'm so excited had three surgerys two hip and a new knee and did all that work to my bike and can't get it starting every push and I don't want to get stranded :( gurrrr
you can also bench test the starters
neg batt to starter at bolt hole and positive to the starter terminal then a wire from positive to the solenoid terminal and hold that starter so it does not go rolling.
also a situation where the gear engages but the sprag will not hold so the starter will run but will not turn over the motor and then will bang if it catches.
with that voltages it is definaly is not connecting with the motor to turn it over
Did that with my first starter and it started but not all the time.
Then I brought that stater to a guy that specializes in started and I bought the kit with the new drive and new contacts and he tested start and it worked perfectly, then went to put it in my bike and got the same behavior that's when he said perhaps the gear is a little worn, so that when I bought this other starter and still have the same thing happing, so now it sounds like for what ever reason it's must not be getting the full 12 volts to start? Maybe it's the spark plugs I will check them.
When you worked on that starter did you get the angle and makesure the brushes were not twisted?
The guy that put my first started together and tested was a professional and started worked perfectly but hes not familiar with motorcycle and at the time that when he thought perhaps the gear is a little worn that he was going to file to see if that makes a difference between he said if its not fitting perfect that could be the clicking.
So that when I thought it be just cheaper to find a good used starter which I did and still have the same exact problem:(