the problem was when the dealership put my heater seat in they never bothered to shorten the harness wire just folded it all up, so bike wasn't getting full power to start all the time, in picture you can see all the crazing extra wire that came out of bike.
And this guy put a relay in to slow down my LD single lights which dealer did not.
Now she's starting all the time I got my baby back and went out for a ride have not ridden since 2021 so I was excited and rusting lol
Thanks so much you guys.
That's enough to wire two other bikes.
They had the heated seat wired up wrong and with all that wire was was too much draw if they would have shorten all that wire would have need better. But any how this guy shorten all the wire and cleaned everything up and started every time. :) it's sure nice to ride again. He was in love with my Rocket said pictures doesn't do justice , now that made me feel good. I just spray painted with cans so maybe in winter or next I'll get it professionall paint job , when I decide what color to go with:) then it should look really good.
Got my battery checked again said it was fine when he did all the wiring and started all the time.
But the guy said he would suggest that I buy a new battery being this battery is four years old and for almost 3 years not ridding and just being on the trickle charger.
So Even though it's starting no problem I'll most likely invest in a new battery.