Which twist? I have uploaded the video.
To the left of the arrow point at the front going down is like 2 separate parts on mine. An indention making it look a little like a twist. Just does not look the same as yours to me. Have to expand pic. Don't know why.
I am going to order the parts anyways as they are cheap. Below are details if anybody else is interested.

I will have to wait 3-4 months for the riding season. Keep us posted on your riding results. Just curious to see if your stalling is fixed for good.
Will do. As odd as it may be, yours might not have the same cause of stalling since no error code. I think it is though. Symptoms identical and that part affects gas with clutch pulled in.
Try one thing for me in the garage. with bike off, press the clutch lever and hear for the tick sound( that's when the metal part presses/depresses the actual switch. Does it tick with the clutch all the way in or in the middle? That might help us to fix ours. Might need to adjust the bend angle of the metal piece.

i am going to answer with a guess
i am thinking that the switch is sticking and when u let out the lever the switch sticks while the lever moves out then the switch lets loose and travels with a click at the end.
if it were mine i would (when i got the new parts) spray good with wd40 to see if the switch stops clicking and see if that cures stalling.
i am going to answer with a guess
i am thinking that the switch is sticking and when u let out the lever the switch sticks while the lever moves out then the switch lets loose and travels with a click at the end.
if it were mine i would (when i got the new parts) spray good with wd40 to see if the switch stops clicking and see if that cures stalling.
That is a possibility for sure if Maurice’s new switch is not sticking like mine.
I now recall that my Kawasaki ZX14R would rev up a bit with clutch in before coming to stop. It would then lower the revs. That explains the purpose of the clutch switch.
That is a possibility for sure if Maurice’s new switch is not sticking like mine.
I now recall that my Kawasaki ZX14R would rev up a bit with clutch in before coming to stop. It would then lower the revs. That explains the purpose of the clutch switch.
the purpose of clutch switch is to send signal to computer (ecu) that the clutch is disengaged.
I want to add one more question to this endless albeit informative Stalling post. My clutch actuator switch #14 I believe is loose under the clutch. Now It is tight (at the bolt or screw that binds it to the handlebar) and will not come off although it moves underneath back and forth if I wiggle it. I'm a little nervous about it as it may intentionally be loose. As I said, the screw is tight but the underneath part wiggles. Anyone else's like that? Mine doesn't make a noise and seems flush.