
Maurice i would select
throttle position
target idle speed
engine speed
gear position*******because of clutch switch code this may not work
vehicle speed
manifold absolute pressure sensor
throttle position sensor voltage
Maurice i would select
throttle position
target idle speed
engine speed
gear position*******because of clutch switch code this may not work
vehicle speed
manifold absolute pressure sensor
throttle position sensor voltage
Gear position did get recorded.
Thought back to 1st stalls. After filling up within 10 minutes 2 stalls, 5 minutes apart. Only 1 other stall different ride after that and cannot remember if same tank of gas. If different tank full would have been same station. Qt so top tier but maybe old or...
Just a thought.
The dyno guy says as soon as the throttle is released the fuel stops...thats why we get the burble on decel.
If we could adjust the tune to start reducing the amount of fuel a second or two before the throttle it's released, then it will be perfect... yeah, I know, that will require an AI...
I think this might be a good clue Maurice. I've actually had a couple of stalls, but only after filling the tank and then letting the bike sit on a warm day. The fuel expands and I believe overwhelms the evap system and floods the engine when the evap purge cycle starts. If I fill up on the way to work and then the bike sits in the sun, when I'm leaving, it tries to stall on my way out of the parking lot. I have to keep the RPMs up a little bit to keep from stalling.

Focusing on not letting the gas go over the "full" plate on fill-ups and riding for a bit after a fill-up have stopped the issue from occurring for me.