So connect scanner. Open app. Record. But you have to disconnect scanner to drive. Then app not connected. Don't get it.

Secure laptop to handle bars and drive till prob occurs then look at the sensor data and tell us what u found when prob occurred. :laugh: :roll: :whitstling:
Secure laptop to handle bars and drive till prob occurs then look at the sensor data and tell us what u found when prob occurred. :laugh: :roll: :whitstling:
sometimes we can see a sensor/actuator in the ecu/tcm failing on a couple of frames and that is all it takes.
our scanners has a button u hit and it will record 30 seconds before and after the problem occurs. this is a great tool to help in diagnosing a prob.
if this was important to u the sensors u would want to record would b speed/tps/gear/idle stepper/map/rpm
Plug cannot be connected to scanner and ecu simultaneously.
sorry, but i really do not understand. The obd plug is an plug that you connect using a cable to the scanner, that plug itself is not connected to the ecu when not used. You can regard the plug as an option to eavesdropping on the communication between all ecus and sensors
sorry, but i really do not understand. The obd plug is an plug that you connect using a cable to the scanner, that plug itself is not connected to the ecu when not used. You can regard the plug as an option to eavesdropping on the communication between all ecus and sensors
I don't understand either. Sorry if obvious. The obd IS the scanner, called OBDII scanner. It scans bike via plug under seat that connects to ecu. One must unplug from ecu to plug into scanner(obd2) to read what is going on with bike, clear codes, reset service interval, read error codes etc. Via tuneecu app. Don't know how one would ride bike at same time.
One must unplug from ecu to plug into scanner(obd2) to read what is going on with bike, clear codes, reset service interval, read error codes etc.
That is not how it works, you can connect the scanner and driver around and read all data.

Example: for my car i use a bluetooth reader on the plug and read the data using Torque when looking for general data. When in need for some specific Mitsibushi data I switch to a cable and my laptop and evoscan to get as much data as possible. The switch to the cable is because it is much faster and therefor i can get more readings from more sensors then using the Bluetooth reader.
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That is not how it works, you can connect the scanner and driver around and read all data.

Example: for my car i use a bluetooth reader on the plug and read the data using Torque when looking for general data. When in need for some specific Mitsibushi data I switch to a cable and my laptop and evoscan to get as much data as possible. The switch to the cable is because it is much faster and therefor i can get more readings from more sensors then using the Bluetooth reader.
Ok, walk me through this like 101 instruction. I plug my scanner,obd2, into exactly what so that I can ride bike and record data.
Ok, walk me through this like 101 instruction. I plug my scanner,obd2, into exactly what so that I can ride bike and record data.
assume you are using a cable and tuneecu on android and know where the plug is on your 2020 model
- connect the cable to the plug,
- the other end of the cable to your otg cable
- connect otg cable to your phone
- manage the cable such that you can place the seat back without causing issues to the cable
- start select sensors in TuneECU (i would select all of them)
- press rec
- take it for a ride
- try to get it to stall

To make searching for the problem easier i would also do the following
- make one recording of stopping without stalling, stop the recording and save that log as the "base" log
- then try as many times as possible to get it to stall,
- if you stop and it did not stall stop the recording, delete the log and start again