They will fix it once someone gets hurt and crashes. In fact, it may take a few injuries and civil suits to get triumphs attention. Prior complaints on this forum certainly will help one's case in a civil court. Lots of posts on it. Sad but true, someone will get injured. Triumphs new motto is , "If we Dealers can't duplicate it on our 2 mile residential ride then it isn't happening".
Clutch in going 40 about coming to a stop, leave clutch in as revs drop like a rock I think will do it. Never has blipping throttle as I don't do that. Going to try today. Really hate this! Who wants to stall! All for the fix. Think of it. For the sake of science, my dealer gets correct info. Resolves issue, I post so dealers across the world resolve the problem! Gettr done!
Thanks maurice. These minor flaws/kinks are spoiling the fun. Any contribution towards getting these fixed will be appreciated !!!
They will fix it once someone gets hurt and crashes. In fact, it may take a few injuries and civil suits to get triumphs attention. Prior complaints on this forum certainly will help one's case in a civil court. Lots of posts on it. Sad but true, someone will get injured. Triumphs new motto is , "If we Dealers can't duplicate it on our 2 mile residential ride then it isn't happening".
Agreed, stalling at the intersection can cause a serious accident. Every time, I am approaching a stop, I fear this dreaded stalling. At one point I considered switching back to a Kawasaki ZX14R but Rocket 3 is such a brilliant piece of engineering and an awesome bike. I have decided to hang in there and wait for fix.
Need more test time but took an hour ride, multiple hard stops, mostly putting in neutral and no luck of stalling. UNTIL almost home, slowing for light in 2nd maybe 35 mph, then light turned green. Put in 1st with clutch in BANG, rpms dropped like a rock with stall. Did is stall before rpm went below 1k? Don't know. Next trip will do the same thing and hopefully can repeat. Memory tells me 1st time stall was the same, in neutral about to stop but light green, put into 1st with clutch in. If I cannot duplicate I don't have much hope dealer will fix. Too infrequent.
Don't know if it has anything to do with this, but mine automatically increases RPM when letting the clutch out without applying the throttle. It will stumble slightly if you blip the throttle just prior to let out the clutch. So I either let the RPM increase then increase the throttle or smoothly apply throttle prior to letting the clutch out. On coast down, I apply clutch 5-10 MPH and downshift to first gear as I come to a stop and have never had the stalling problem.
Failed today at stalling. Got rpms to slightly drop below 1k, but not enough to stall.
Will mention to dealer but don't expect fix since so infrequent and cannot duplicate. Thought I would be able to duplicate,, but it just acts normal most of the time! I'm done with this, just focused on enjoying the bike.
If you know how let me know.
If i'm not mistaken TuneECU has a rec(ord) option, you can select the sensors to record and the recording will stop when selecting rec again. The data is saved in a csv file that can be read using notepad or any spreadsheet application.

I think that most obd applications have record options but never tested any for motorcycles only for my Mitsubishi (Evoscan)
If i'm not mistaken TuneECU has a rec(ord) option, you can select the sensors to record and the recording will stop when selecting rec again. The data is saved in a csv file that can be read using notepad or any spreadsheet application.

I think that most obd applications have record options but never tested any for motorcycles only for my Mitsubishi (Evoscan)
So connect scanner. Open app. Record. But you have to disconnect scanner to drive. Then app not connected. Don't get it.