My bad. "across" was not a good choice of words. I did have the negative probe on the battery ground. Got the same 2.9 volts on each side of the fuse. And no voltage on fuses 5 and 9. I had the ignition switch out of the frame and pushed and shoved the wired bundle going into it. Made sure the kill switch was on, too....
The Kill switch has no impact on the voltage at the Fuses
Please also confirm - you are measuring with the Fuses still installed, correct? And using the method I described, just touching the positive probe to the metal tabs on the tops of the fuses?
You should have 12V (with respect to Ground)
at both sides of ALL fuses except 5, 9 & 10 (& 8 which is unused) with Switch OFF
With Key-Switch ON, you should have 12V at both sides of ALL Fuses (again, except 8, unused)
Start with Fuse 11 and Fuse 2 - do you have 12V there?
If no voltage at Fuse 11, then
a) If on NEITHER side of the Fuse, check the in line connector between the battery and the Fuse Panel
b) If on only one side of Fuse, the Fuse is blown
If you have voltage at both sides of Fuse 11, then you SHOULD have voltage at Fuses 1-4 and 6 & 7
Edit - also check the voltage at Fuse 11 with the Key OFF - does it change when you switch key On/Off ?
If it is 12V but then dies when you switch the key on, leave key on & check voltage at battery again.
If Battery volts low wen key is on, your battery is toast,