Run premium fuel?

I certainly understand the argument for Triumph whiffing on stating in bold print the exact octane number to use. On my 2005 and 2014 I used 91 even though 87 was the number Triumph recommended for both Rockets. Both ran fantastic on 91. I use 91 on my 2020 and it also runs like a scalded assed ape and I shall continue to use 91. There was zero long term affect on my 05 or 14 Rockets using 91 and I doubt there will be for my 2020 so, 91 it is. Some may say it's wasted money but I say it's my money and I've wasted it in worse ways than on higher octane gas. Don't ask!
I don't mind debates or opinions, but I would at least expect the company that built the bike to have a consistent answer lol.
just my opinion
i think it is consistent use 87 that is what i see for usa if there is something else lets get it posted
if it pings then change brands (they r not very likely to say dont use brand x )
the lower grade ignites faster and i believe the bike is timed for that and produces more power with 87 octane.
the higher grade is a more controlled burned and should be run with higher compression and more timing.
i have an 2007 so my opinion may not hold much weight. now i have been running the premium but after all the info i have seen i have switched to the 87.
just my opinion
i think it is consistent use 87 that is what i see for usa if there is something else lets get it posted
if it pings then change brands (they r not very likely to say dont use brand x )
the lower grade ignites faster and i believe the bike is timed for that and produces more power with 87 octane.
the higher grade is a more controlled burned and should be run with higher compression and more timing.
i have an 2007 so my opinion may not hold much weight. now i have been running the premium but after all the info i have seen i have switched to the 87.
I've never actually heard an engine "ping". What exactly does it sound like? Is it very noticeable?
I've never actually heard an engine "ping". What exactly does it sound like? Is it very noticeable?

i would think that rattling would b a better description and would be heard when lugging motor not very likely on an mc because most of the time we r up in the rpm.
years ago when i gassed up at Exxon with my el camino i would pull out and go about a block and a half and when the new gas got to the carb it would start rattling
had to buy Exxon in northern arizona so i thought premium 1 1/2 blocks the rattle was back
lugging is when u shift into 6th gear at 40 mph then give it some gas.
just my opinion
i think it is consistent use 87 that is what i see for usa if there is something else lets get it posted
if it pings then change brands (they r not very likely to say dont use brand x )
the lower grade ignites faster and i believe the bike is timed for that and produces more power with 87 octane.
the higher grade is a more controlled burned and should be run with higher compression and more timing.
i have an 2007 so my opinion may not hold much weight. now i have been running the premium but after all the info i have seen i have switched to the 87.
I'll take a shot at explaining the difference in octane ratings. The RON method means, Research Only Number. That means that the fuel maker blends the fuel using their recipe and calculates (on paper) that the octane rating is such and such.
The MON method means, Motor Octane Number. That means that the fuel has been tested in an actual motor. The fuel is run in a special engine that has a variable compression ratio feature and the fuel is run at varying compression ratios until it's detonation threshold is achieved. The RON method (the octane rating it SHOULD have) is ALWAYS higher than the MON (actual motor test) method.
Europe usually subscribes to the RON, Research Only Number by itself. The US uses the average of both numbers together. Usually the gas pumps in the US will say that the octane is determined by the RON+MON divided by 2. So the same octane gas can have different octane ratings depending on which formula is used to rate it.
Quick search states the opposite, premium runs cooler to prevent pre-detonation.
Makes sense since my perception with 87 is more responsive, which I thought hotter. Don't really know. Glad 87 is fine.
Put 103 octane US in your bike and tell me it runs cooler, I don't think so, I ran it in a 2 stroker and it was definitely hotter, maybe it was just the exhaust, but I didn't notice an increase in power, but I did notice the heat between my legs was more, I didn't use a sensor, but it was definitely hotter.