Agreed, probably heat from exhaus

, but if it burns slower, the temperature of fire is like what over 1,500 degrees f. And if it was in the cylinder burning longer wouldn't that also add to the temperature of the cylinder/head and all, racing fuel is like 105 octane US, doesn't a racing engine run hotter, I don't know, not a mechanic, just a necessity and hobby, just my opinion, please don't take it the wrong way, ty gl in you quest of finding out if you should use high octane in a low compression engine, I would think what's more important is the quality of the fuel and the additives to help it burn clean and keep carbon from building up, I was just investigating top tier gas and it's advantages and I found it made a big difference with the anti-friction modifiers and detergents that the top tier oil companies use, I think for my 08 R3T which requires 87 oct. I'm going to mix Shell and ExxonMobil for there quality of fuel, just look at the difference in the study for 4,000 miles of carbon build up on a valve,
A study by AAA shows that Top Tier gasoline is worth the extra cost to consumers. Consumer Reports lists car brands that recommend Top Tier gasoline and gas stations where you can buy Top Tier gas.
More information
In some cases, premium and Top Tier gas are indeed good for your car, but they’re pricier than regular. So, when is an upgrade at the pump worth it?
That just my preference, hey I hope you guys get to the bottom of this octane question, why doesn't someone email or call triumph manufacturing???
And also wouldn't the fuel air ratios be set less for less oxygen due to unburned gases going out the exhust if you have an oxygen sensor???? I mean someone already proved less HP on a Dyno for high octane and low compression ratio, check that we don't know what the compression ratio was as tested probably not the 2500 motor which is 10.8:1 which in my book is a fairly high compression ratio, I think anything over 10:1 is considered high.
View the specification for the Triumph Rocket 3.
On mine the 08 R3T is a lot less, 8.7:1 hence the lower octane requirements, but is there such thing as too much octane??? Like I said I would think a very high octane would be detrimental to a low compression engine like 110 oct US Racing fuel.
Motorcycle Specifications Overviews and Road Tests
But okay students!!!!
Or this please see petroleum and internal combustion engine, if we really want to get scientific
Very interested to see how this post will turn out, but I'm in my low compression mid mile engine 45,000 am going to listen to the manufacturer and go with 87 oct. US just high tier, Shell and ExxonMobil, and like the old man told me mix them for the benefits of both worlds, the additives!!!! If I were to guess I would say 91 oct. US would be right for the new rocket's, just pull a plug out occasionally and see the color, that's what we shade tree Mechanic's did in the old day's, if it's black it's running too much fuel, the porcelain should be white, with a little bit of gray soot on the metal after a while, if you're blowing white smoke and the plugs are oily wet and black and carboned up your burning oil, ring's or valve seal replacement time or both while you're in there, if you blow a little black smoke your too rich, but better to be too rich to a point of course than too lean, that's the way I understood it, but like I said I'm not a mechanic by trade, just forced to be one cause I don't really trust anyone else doing it and I'm cheap, I don't want to pay anyone to do anything I can.
My last bike was a 85 Honda magna vf700 basket case that I wouldn't have even spent the $500 for but I felt bad for the guy selling it on eBay cause his wife had Cancer, it was outside with one sparkplug missing and seized, and full of water none of he mentioned on ebay. But I figured I had a lot of time I was about 45 and I figured it would be a good project to see what I could do to it, got the motor all back together but I couldn't find the oil pan bolts, I think my son got into them, he was a mischievous child, thank God he grew up good, one of 2 good things I got out of that marriage, I have a great daughter too, thank God. But I wound up moving the carcass of a bike to Jersey and wound up giving it to the junk man, I couldn't store it no more where it was. I think I had everything else to put it back on the bike, bummer I really wanted to see the fruits of my labor and my Handy work, all I did was buy used pistons and ring's on ebay and honed the cylinders, cleaned up the valves and lapted, and cleaned everything else and gave it a paint job I don't even have a picture of it I was so fed up with the divorce. So glad to be on a 2008 R3T yeah!!!
Yeah can't wait to see where this post land's, who knows maybe in 10 years I'll buy a used 2500cc rocket and need to know this info, interesting, so glad I bought a rocket and found you all. Hope some of my ranting helps, I'm just an old man getting back into it after really about 40 some odd years, enjoying every minute.
Good Day All, and let's Ride