Rocket roadster large screen

Anyone know if Clearview sell all the bracketry needed to fit screen. Bloke over here after a screen and I can't help him out .. thanks.
Anyone know if Clearview sell all the bracketry needed to fit screen. Bloke over here after a screen and I can't help him out .. thanks.

They DO NOT sell brackets for the OEM shields, only the replacement shields. :thumbsdown:
about the laminar lip, My previous post was before I received it. The lip slips over the large screen, picture a lower case h with about a 1/3 " that presses onto the screen. The ip moved the wind from my eyebrows to the top of my head my wife claimed no relief from buffeting, also riding thru a t-storm a puddle/wave knocked it off never to be seen again. It works but is ugly and can come off.