Rocket roadster large screen

Dont know about Eagle screens Paul but I have just fitted a Clearview screen... 25" with recurve & vent and am happy with it.
I'll only use it on longer runs as around town & short trips the sport screen is quite ok
Hi Ozrider,
Yes looks great and is just what I would like, unfortunately I think it works out to be $335.00 (is that right) which is a lot as I've only just bought the Triumph screen.
I find my helmet makes a loud low frequency noise when I ride with the standard screen,making using the screen unbearable. I'm not tall 5'10" Did you find this a problem? I do wear an open face helmet a I wounder if that makes a difference.
I have also just fitted the 25 Clearview screen with vent and recurve.
I have had an Eagle screen on a previous bike- not very well made it was to thin a flexed and vibrated to the point I ditched it, the Clearview on the other hand is excellent and worth every cent, I am a tad over 6 ft it is so quiet behind the Clearview it is Erie I have lifted it all the way also the vent is a must which can be adjusted to direct silent air where ever you like it, I get the occasional buffeting from cross winds but I believe lowers will solve this as a mate has just done this with a positive effect.
Thanks for the information general opinion is that Clearview is the way to go. I'll start saving.

G'day Paul , guy over here in Albany is looking for a short screen ..wanted a Summer screen but would take a Roadster I'd reckon.. if you want to sell the one you have let me know mate.
TC is a bikie with tats!?!?!?
Does he rape & Pillage?
Here's to youse, as I raise my last shot of Gentleman Jack!

Hell yeh ..I'm seriously bad ass .. you better believe it !!! ... no raping but i'm always up for a good pillage ... time/weather/dicky knee and finances permitting :sneaky:
That sounds good. I would only be selling the screen (perspex) but it is new only done 20ks let me know if that suits.

What do you want for just the screen mate ? He's got the clamps and he's going to borrow my screen to make up the bits he's missing.