2018 Rocket III Roadster - Drive Issue?

5. How much freeplay is there at the clutch lever? The cable should have 2 millimeters slackness. Have you tried adjusting the cable? None
No freeplay is a big indicator of a problem... Loosen off the clutch cable adjuster like the fellows mentioned. See what happens.

If there has been no freeplay in the cable for some time, you could have worn out the clutch lifter shaft and button. The first indication of a worn shaft is a tight cable and then eventually clutch slipping. Try adjusting the cable. If things get better, it doesn't mean you have solved the problem. Ride it for a while to see if the cable tightens up. If it does, that lifter shaft assembly will probably have to be changed.

There is also the potential that the clutch plates are burnt but I'd bet on the lifter shaft first.

There are many posts on this issue. Read this thread to get an idea of the potential problem. Clutch Lifter Shaft
Good advice above- I think the clutch is the culprit. Either while waiting for the parts, or soon afterwards, I would drain and refill the final drive and "lube the splines." This is unrelated, but since it doesn't appear to have been done before you should do so at some point. That will put your mind at ease about the final drive and/or drive shaft. I've had two go out on my Roadster (which is very unusual), even with regular service, and you don't want to go through that $$$.
just for test purposes
I would try to back off the adjusting cables 1/4 inch to see if it will grab good?
It grabs better. But when i give the throttle a quick twist … it stops grabbing. Could the tightness overtime have ruined the spring or something?
It grabs better. But when i give the throttle a quick twist … it stops grabbing. Could the tightness overtime have ruined the spring or something?
When to tight it might slip a little and it doesn't take to much slipping to burn the clutches then it is all down hill after that.
Also it will wear out the Gismo (can't think of the name) that releases the clutches.
Thank you! So probably should replace the entire clutch basket? Do you have any recommendations on kits? I have looked online but have never bought parts for this bike, so any help would be appreciated.