Dont know about Eagle screens Paul but I have just fitted a Clearview screen... 25" with recurve & vent and am happy with it.
I'll only use it on longer runs as around town & short trips the sport screen is quite ok
Hi Ozrider,
Yes looks great and is just what I would like, unfortunately I think it works out to be $335.00 (is that right) which is a lot as I've only just bought the Triumph screen.
I find my helmet makes a loud low frequency noise when I ride with the standard screen,making using the screen unbearable. I'm not tall 5'10" Did you find this a problem? I do wear an open face helmet a I wounder if that makes a difference.
I have also just fitted the 25 Clearview screen with vent and recurve.
I have had an Eagle screen on a previous bike- not very well made it was to thin a flexed and vibrated to the point I ditched it, the Clearview on the other hand is excellent and worth every cent, I am a tad over 6 ft it is so quiet behind the Clearview it is Erie I have lifted it all the way also the vent is a must which can be adjusted to direct silent air where ever you like it, I get the occasional buffeting from cross winds but I believe lowers will solve this as a mate has just done this with a positive effect.
G'day Paul , guy over here in Albany is looking for a short screen ..wanted a Summer screen but would take a Roadster I'd reckon.. if you want to sell the one you have let me know mate.
Hell yeh ..I'm seriously bad ass .. you better believe it !!! ... no raping but i'm always up for a good pillage ... time/weather/dicky knee and finances permitting