Rocket 3 discontinued (fails emissions tests)

Guys all I can see here are most excellent arguments for me to justify to my wife why I need to have a second rocket! Good buy price, long term investment, classic bike potential, being a good global citizen and ‘keeping the air clean’, buying British... the list is never ending! How could she possibly not support me in such a worthy cause!!!
Niiiiicccceeeee...but why did you stop at 4???
England for their part should thumb their nose at Euro 4, for with Brexit, Euro 4 will not apply.
To late - Not only are they still in the EU next year - BUT the UK has already announced it will apply all existing EU laws as its base at the date of separation.

And lets be honest here - nothing will please mfrs more than enforcing that folk upgrade to nice shiny new Euro4 bikes. They are NOT going to make a UK only model.
I believe and pray that after Brexit, commerce will rule and bikes suitable for western customers will flow like water from Hinckley, and the desire to sell them in Jolly Old England will cause MPs to allow it. Why the USofA might join the Commonwealth!
I'm 66 years old, and I never even heard of or about the Rocket until a couple of months ago. If Triumph would put 1/2 the effort into advertising that Harley does here in the US, I believe the Rocket would be a decent seller here. Allot if not most of the guys that ride Harley's want better performance. To make a Harley perform anything close to a Rocket speed wise costs really stupid money. After the HD engine is upgraded, the rest of the power train needs upgrading to handle the added power. Upgrading a Harley can = the cost of a new Rocket, give or take a few $$.
Ah from the mouths of babes...yes, Triumph gives way too little to marketing. You have to spend millions on it...there's no other way.
I'm 66 years old, and I never even heard of or about the Rocket until a couple of months ago. If Triumph would put 1/2 the effort into advertising that Harley does here in the US, I believe the Rocket would be a decent seller here. Allot if not most of the guys that ride Harley's want better performance. To make a Harley perform anything close to a Rocket speed wise costs really stupid money. After the HD engine is upgraded, the rest of the power train needs upgrading to handle the added power. Upgrading a Harley can = the cost of a new Rocket, give or take a few $$.

I hear you! When I first saw the Rocket III's I knew I had to try one before I die. Bought a R3T last June. First, I though I'd get one for a year and then sell it and down size to a Honda 750 or so. Now, I don't know about that downsizing part. I was after a Classic, but got a touring, which I really like! But I still would like to try a Classic (dual headlight, Tachometer, big tire, more HP, ...)
Maybe downsize when I'm 70 years old or so. Plan on adding the Hotrod tune to the touring next spring, though, and see how that works. :)

After thought: However, I have not seen another Rocket in my town. I kind of like being "king".