Richard TTS Tune Launched - 186bhp at wheel with tune

Triumph told me that when they connect the dealer tool, which is connected to Triumph central, it automatically updates whatever is available from Triumph for your vin. It won’t update the tune unless an update is available. I find it hard to understand how 2023 stock tunes are not available to Alain Fontaine but are available to Bren. Caveat emptor.
Triumph told me that when they connect the dealer tool, which is connected to Triumph central, it automatically updates whatever is available from Triumph for your vin. It won’t update the tune unless an update is available. I find it hard to understand how 2023 stock tunes are not available to Alain Fontaine but are available to Bren. Caveat emptor.
so what do you think? that BT MOTO can't create maps for Rocket 2023 ? DNK also says it can make maps for Rocket 2023. What do you think?
Triumph told me that when they connect the dealer tool, which is connected to Triumph central, it automatically updates whatever is available from Triumph for your vin. It won’t update the tune unless an update is available. I find it hard to understand how 2023 stock tunes are not available to Alain Fontaine but are available to Bren. Caveat emptor.
from what I understand BT moto, through the tool it sends, first asks to download the map from the motorbike and send it to them by email. then they modify the map they received . this is the fundamental procedure: if the original map of the motorbike is not downloaded, and sent to me at BT MOTO, they cannot create a modified map. they also ask that the map must be downloaded from the bike after a visit to the workshop and never before.
No idea what Bren does or can do. Also, DNK is just a user of Tuneecu. If Tuneecu has a problem with the 2023 Euro 5 Rocket mapping, then so does DNK. I don’t understand the problem with 2023 Rocket mapping with Tuneecu. Is it that the available maps in Tuneecu are incompatible with the 2023 models or is there a bug in the Tuneecu app? One thing I find interesting is that Tuneecu is not able to read a map from the ECU with Bluetooth while Bren is.

P.S. I read the pdf file you posted. Not sure, but it seems as if the dealer overwrites your Bren tune, you may have to pay them $150 to modify your updated OEM tune. This seems like a problem. You should ask the dealer if he can refrain from automatically overwriting your tune when connecting to the dealer tool.
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No idea what Bren does or can do. Also, DNK is just a user of Tuneecu. If Tuneecu has a problem with the 2023 Euro 5 Rocket mapping, then so does DNK. I don’t understand the problem with 2023 Rocket mapping with Tuneecu. Is it that the available maps in Tuneecu are incompatible with the 2023 models or is there a bug in the Tuneecu app? One thing I find interesting is that Tuneecu is not able to read a map from the ECU with Bluetooth while Bren is.

P.S. I read the pdf file you posted. Not sure, but it seems as if the dealer overwrites your Bren tune, you may have to pay them $150 to modify your updated OEM tune. This seems like a problem. You should ask the dealer if he can refrain from automatically overwriting your tune when connecting to the dealer tool.
yes I have already spoken to BT MOTO. before going to the dealer each time you have to reload the original map on the bike, so if it is overwritten you can put the modified map again. but this doesn't work if the dealer uploads a new version of the map
No idea what Bren does or can do. Also, DNK is just a user of Tuneecu. If Tuneecu has a problem with the 2023 Euro 5 Rocket mapping, then so does DNK. I don’t understand the problem with 2023 Rocket mapping with Tuneecu. Is it that the available maps in Tuneecu are incompatible with the 2023 models or is there a bug in the Tuneecu app? One thing I find interesting is that Tuneecu is not able to read a map from the ECU with Bluetooth while Bren is.

P.S. I read the pdf file you posted. Not sure, but it seems as if the dealer overwrites your Bren tune, you may have to pay them $150 to modify your updated OEM tune. This seems like a problem. You should ask the dealer if he can refrain from automatically overwriting your tune when connecting to the dealer tool.
This is the answer PENNER kindly wrote as an answer for problem 2023:
I am just a tuner and can´t help with the 2023 models that exceed the VINs in Tune ECU.
It is about software developing and that is what Alain does.
My son develops software for Harleys (Don Tuner) and he told me, that in most cases there were no changes from 2022 to 2023 models due to the same engines and emission rules. But if there is just one different bit in the software, your ECU will be toast.
So maybe it will not be too much work for Alain. But we will have to wait.
Bren Tuning has a good reputation for BMWs. I don’t like the idea of having to pay $795 for the hand held, plus $250 for a tune, and then $150 for a revised tune every time I get the bike serviced. Also, not having the ability to see the tune and tweak it myself. DNK also locks her tunes so you can’t edit them.
Bren Tuning has a good reputation for BMWs. I don’t like the idea of having to pay $795 for the hand held, plus $250 for a tune, and then $150 for a revised tune every time I get the bike serviced. Also, not having the ability to see the tune and tweak it myself. DNK also locks her tunes so you can’t edit them.
In my opinion you pay the additional 250 dollars for STAGE 2, which seems to me to be an additional thing, beyond the initial STAGE 1 map that you shouldn't have to pay. but I'm not sure . the advantage with BT is that you can reload the original map. With TUNE ECU, if the dealer updates the version of the Map, in my opinion the map you uploaded will no longer work, and you should ask DNK for another map they will surely charge. what do you think ?
Don’t know. The worry is that you will brick the ECU. I’ve bricked the ECU on a T120 and managed to get a tune to load after several attempt. It seems like there have been problems loading Penner’s tune even on pre-2023 bikes. But Journeyman seems to have solved this. He posts an extended recovery process here in post #795. Also read all of Journeyman’s posts after that.

Don’t know. The worry is that you will brick the ECU. I’ve bricked the ECU on a T120 and managed to get a tune to load after several attempt. It seems like there have been problems loading Penner’s tune even on pre-2023 bikes. But Journeyman seems to have solved this. He posts an extended recovery process here in post #795. Also read all of Journeyman’s posts after that.

no, there is no problem loading any map on newer rockets on top of that there is no problem with penner map at all. Thousands have done it on newer rockets. I am in to tuneecu group and I see people press buttons on apps which they shouldnt.

its very easy process unless someone does something very wrong.