My questions and answers from seller:
Ciao Alessandro,
Thank you for your enquiry, I believe you also emailed BrenTuning in the US.
Below, your questions have been answered:
1) what is the difference of your system, compared to the TuneEcu system, which I already know?
I believe the TuneECU maps are not Euro 5 compatible, therefore not available for the Rocket 3 2023?
2) can the original map be downloaded from the ECU with your system?
You can go back to stock at any time:
Go to "Work" -> "Writing" -> "Original" in the handheld and then it'll load the original factory stock file to your motorcycle
3) From your experience, what do you actually get in horsepower and wheel torque with your system? and do you have dyno-tested power/torque graphs?
4) What happens when the bike is taken to the dealer for service, and the bike's map is updated due to a manufacturer recall or map fix? surely it is no longer possible to load your modified map, if the bike's map is updated by the manufacturer, as it changes the whole map and therefore I think it will be necessary to create a new modified map. but I would like your explanation.
When we tune your motorcycle it is tuned for the specific software version on your bike at the time you read
the ECU data and sent it to BT. So if we tuned it on software version 1, the stock file saved in your handheld is
software version 1, the tuned file in your handheld is modified around software version 1.
If the bike gets updated at the dealer to software version 2, the checks and balances system is not aligned and you will
receive an error message stating File Incompatible with any fille change in the handheld. Basically the
handhelds safety systems sensed that the data saved in the handheld and what is actually on the motorcycle,
no longer align.
5) do you think there is a system to prevent the dealer from discovering that the map has been modified, so as not to lose the warranty?
Warranty will depend on the dealer, if they dig deep enough I'm sure they could find out, but in my experience most do not care.
6) does your system create problems after mapping, such as: occurrence of errors, autopilot system that doesn't work, number of gears that are not indicated, or other errors?
Issue are not expected, however if any appear we will work with you to resolve.
7) I'm interested in a modification which, in addition to removing the speed limit, unlocks the first 3 gears, with more power and a constant high torque (200 Nm at the wheel) from 3000 to 6000 rpm, but I don't want to exceed the limit too much. number of engine revolutions per minute, because I want an engine that is always reliable. My bike only has 1000km on it.
We can tune the bike to your requirement. Stock rev limit is fine but I would recommend raising it, you can see in the graph the extra power.
8) Can your system remap 2023 Rocket 3 models?
No problem tuning it
Should you have further questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Best regards,