Removing the Secondary Plates (Butterflies)

Guess what I am doing this weekend. I have read through this thread at least 3 times. Are you guys sure there are no adverse side effects like an erection lasting for over four hours?

I've always heard the way to keep a hard-on all night was not to ***c with it......Me, I've never had that problem and you all can take that any way you want to.

The only adverse effects you are gonna have Mr.C is if you loose one of the little screws down the TB hole. The, you are gonna have to ***c with it.........:D

*****I can't believe it. I typed in the word Fornicate Under Carnal Knowledge instead of scrambling the letters and it posted it without the usual censorship which is why I'm back in here making it PG 13 correct........******
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Since I've been there and done that, here's a tip:

The ECU need to "see" both the existence of the secondary throttle motor and the relative position of the secondary plates (via secondary TPS). So you will get a constant "check engine" light unless you keep the secondary motor connected to the secondary TPS by a short piece of rod (and maybe store the removed units under the tank). IMO, not worth the bother... I live with the light.

Remember: You can't read tech tips like this on 'cause they ain't been there! :D
years ago hombre.

When are you gonna' put that shiny rig on a bike and run it? A few more years? ;)
hombre--was just trying to "jog" your memory. all that secondary plate removal/stepper motor removal/etc. stuff was done in '05/'06(.com). AIN'T NEW!!
x-stream filter (on top of t.b.'s in pic) was then too!
if i ever finish welding my tank back together , maybe i'll see you in maxton. natural aspirated class!! :D:D:D
Thank you for the watches, chocolate, leaderhosen, cheese, discreet banking, and most of all, starting this thread. My secondaries disappeared this morning and there is a DIFFERENCE. This is a modification that is simple, costs nothing, and really is noticeable when you twist the throttle. The input and instructions from the fellow Captains who contributed was dead on and most of all, competely true.
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Ok, now that everything is done ... secondaries removed, PCIII installed and tweeked, D&D's on and the triple filters (5 total) It's a whole different bike. This friggin thing will stand on end with a twist of the throttle. I mean it's gotta weigh 1000lbs with me and the bike, it will litterally wheelie like a sport bike with just a twist of the wrist. No dumping the clutch, no yanking back on the bars and no bouncing the front end, it will put the front wheel in the sky totally on it's own. And not just in 1st gear either. Just with the throttle. I'm having a blast with it. If I can calm the wife down (she's freaked) maybe I can talk her into snapping a picture.
This site has been a godsend for my "gotta go faster" mentality, you guys are great ... thank you for the advice and tips. Can't wait for the inevitable challenge from some kid on a sport bike again. Just hope I dont attract the attention from the cops that the winner always gets. (the chili red modified MINI cooper gets enough bad press)
I can tell anyone interested that the best mods for the money are exhaust, PCIII/Tuneboy, secondaries and triple K&N's .... PERIOD. If it wasn't for the license plate mod, the tag would be scraped all to hell!
:cool:The supercharger will inevitably follow at a later date.
But, for now ... I have a "new" bike to learn to handle.
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I only have one question, what will it do to my warrenty? I am thinking about removing the secondaries but not if it is going to void anything out. Still have a year and a half and want to make sure I don't mess that up. Anybody know if it will affect it?