Removed the Secondarys today and....

I have a geothermal heating system that extracts the heat out of well water. It used to be tied to the house domestic water supply. It was a little too much for that pump so I drove a well in the basement just to run the furnace. A few days ago the basement pump started cavatating real bad. I have a clear line between the well and the pump. I could see lots of air bubbles. Pulled up the point and replaced the whole thing. Drove it down another 5 feet. It's somewhat better but still getting some air. Wells in this area are known to have dissolved gasses in them. It's not harmful. I'm hoping it will clear up by itself. The wells been down there 4 or 5 years with no problems :confused:

Try removing the secondaries!:rolleyes:
Like Mully I reinstalled them and found an improvement. Have a similar opening rate. Rode for a long time with them out and found better response with them installed.

I'm convinced there's an undocumented change between classics and roadsters causing the intake backfire. My intuition points cam profile or cam timing. Course that's all moot with the Carp equipment.
Like Mully I reinstalled them and found an improvement. Have a similar opening rate. Rode for a long time with them out and found better response with them installed.

I'm convinced there's an undocumented change between classics and roadsters causing the intake backfire. My intuition points cam profile or cam timing. Course that's all moot with the Carp equipment.
From 2013 Triumph has lifted the restrictions on the first 3 removing secondaries on bikes from 2013 up probably wont have the same effect as removing them on earlier machines imho....
And I simply copied the 2014 Roadster TOR tune over my 2012 eliminating the secondaries, then added Hanso's 5% more fuel tweak and voila, instant throttle response with stock intake and TORS along with no backfiring. (Love the sound of the bike coming to a stop on engine braking from relatively high rpms).

After I install the RamAir I purchased (snow needs to go) I will need to either add the 10% fuel tweak or fiddle with something like Rocket Scientist has. No dyno available nearby so.....
My secondaries lie in a plastic bag as i type...taken off today and made easier by finding my new bike had Ramair fitted:)
So why worry about removing the secondaries if you can open them up with a tune? I have the PowerTripp tune and when I open it and look at the secondaries they are opened up most of the time.
So why worry about removing the secondaries if you can open them up with a tune? I have the PowerTripp tune and when I open it and look at the secondaries they are opened up most of the time.

That's what I do - I believe they still are partially closed at crank up until idle settles, so I like that idea........
mine do not open till 3500 rpm
if u take off wot u will be above 3500 pretty quick and stay that way till u let off the throttle.
If you look down the throttle bodies at full throttle they are not fully open and there can possibly be some restrictions. Two screws each and two minutes of you time and no more concerns for restrictions. But to each their own as they say.