Removed the Secondarys today and....

well problems?

I have a geothermal heating system that extracts the heat out of well water. It used to be tied to the house domestic water supply. It was a little too much for that pump so I drove a well in the basement just to run the furnace. A few days ago the basement pump started cavatating real bad. I have a clear line between the well and the pump. I could see lots of air bubbles. Pulled up the point and replaced the whole thing. Drove it down another 5 feet. It's somewhat better but still getting some air. Wells in this area are known to have dissolved gasses in them. It's not harmful. I'm hoping it will clear up by itself. The wells been down there 4 or 5 years with no problems :confused:
Tuneecu porfavor

Any chance i could have a copy of same please?

If both you gents could PM me (I mean start a conversation :confused:. Can we change that back to PM ? :banghead:) a regular email address, I'll send the tune to you. I can't seem to do it through here, R3 Owners doesn't know what to do with a .hex file.