Just for those out there I went by the D&D location in Dallas a couple months back to see if there was any new systems for our Rockets. Sad thing is the gentleman I spoke with was saying no new R/D being done for Triumph at that point-management decision. I am still looking for a low cost alternative to stock header due to curve coming out of the block but no time invested for over a year now again no interest by other Rocket riders.[/QUOTEStellar
I have the stock D&D set up and its not very loud but a lot nicer sound than stock. It was retuned by my dealer for those pipes and it never pops when I let off and runs strong. Nice upgrade.
I curse D and D for not making them any more for the Classic...Leonard at D and D said no one was buying them. Now our only options are 8000 miles away or find TORS and drop 400 for the bypass.
So you can get D and Ds for all sorts of obscure Trimphs except the 05 to 2010 R3Cs...Stellar