Recommended Exhaust Modifications for Sound

i have been running my D and D's with the baffles removed but as I said before, I could really tell the difference in top end power loss. Today I took 2 exhaust pipes from Oreilly's and cut 16 one inch slots in them, one inch apart and bent one side in as shown to create new baffles. I then started closing the end of the pipe down a little at a time until I was happy with the power on top end again. I will probably make a few more adjustments as I go along but the bike sounds great and runs great. May be a little too loud for some folks but I really like the full megaphone sound I have now.
You put that backpressure back in and got your torque back.
Take a look at what J&P cycles has to offer, three different styles that will fit the tour models and classics. I see no reason to drop $800 on pipes when you can get a nice set for half that. Plus, dime city cycles sells the classic dunstalls in 27 inch that will fit the R3T for $80 each.
I have TORs on mine & they are just what the doctor ordered for around here . They have a really astounding rumble to them and not overly loud. Cops don't bother to check so far.
I'm a new R3T owner and slowly adding things to get the bike to where I want it. I'm happy with the stock power, acceleration, etc. so not looking to make my 13'R3T faster but I would like pipes with a sound that matches the appearance of the bike. Not looking to wake up the neighborhood when I come home at night but looking for some growlf . Prior to purchasing my R3T I rode a Yamaha Stratoliner with aftermarket Roadburner pipes and that's the sound I'm looking for. Any suggestions?
I don't know when this thread was started but some pipes mentioned here are no longer available. Some like D&D for a Roadster or Mad Dog haven't been available for a couple of years. Wish replies were dated.
Wish I could find them, nowhere to be found.

Check in the classified there is a set for sale in Aussi Land . Expensive but to get them they are going to cost because they are out of production. Check on ebay that's where I got mine. The guy that was selling had not marked the right numbers and with a picture I was able to figure out that he had made a mistake. They were not stock, they were TORS. Got an excellent deal also.