Rear Metzeler goooooone

I got 4,800km out of Metz, 6,500km out of Avon and generally 10,000km from a Bridgestone.

RHS tyre wear is a combination of camber and the fact that for us right hand turns are a lot longer than left handers ie the bike is leaned over for a greater distance. Roundabouts are also a factor.
i agree with this to a point yes corners are longer and mabey it is distance on lean but also because corner is longer you are going in hotter/ faster in rights than you are lefts, other side for them that ride on the WRONG side of the road, i presume ! lol and i found it was more on my front tyre than rear but i was blamming contour steering
I got 4,800km out of Metz, 6,500km out of Avon and generally 10,000km from a Bridgestone.
RHS tyre wear is a combination of camber and the fact that for us right hand turns are a lot longer than left handers ie the bike is leaned over for a greater distance. Roundabouts are also a factor.

We are going through a roundabout everywhere phase over here as well.
The traffic engineers LOVE them! No signals or phase timing to calculate, so less expensive to create.
Supposedly slower speeds and less injuries when collisions do occur, less traffic backups and grid lock . . .
I just swapped out my rear Metz for an Excedra Max. I had 7000 miles on the Metz and probably could have done another 1500 but I'm taking a trip and I didn't want to be running on thin skins by the time I got back. Plus, I hear the Bridgstone is better in the wet. I just don't want to have to think about a tire at 75 mph. The front is still good and should be till next spring. I also did the brakes as long as it was down...some EBC double sintered from Flipmeister.
We are going through a roundabout everywhere phase over here as well.
The traffic engineers LOVE them! No signals or phase timing to calculate, so less expensive to create.
Supposedly slower speeds and less injuries when collisions do occur, less traffic backups and grid lock . . .

Roundabouts work great if traffic is light and IF people know how to use them. All you need is one "waiter" and you're stuck.
I just swapped out my rear Metz for an Excedra Max. I had 7000 miles on the Metz and probably could have done another 1500 but I'm taking a trip and I didn't want to be running on thin skins by the time I got back. Plus, I hear the Bridgstone is better in the wet. I just don't want to have to think about a tire at 75 mph. The front is still good and should be till next spring. I also did the brakes as long as it was down...some EBC double sintered from Flipmeister.

That Exedra Max is better in ALL respects than the OEM Metzeler. :thumbsup:
I hope he shortened the life of a tyre, and not his own life:(

Sad to say he did it literally. We were close for 47 years.
He loved to smoke (pipe, cigars, ciggs and chew and knew /accepted all the risks.
A real HARD nut that would do anything for his few good friends.
He still got 81 years in and I hope I can do as well.
Diagnosed with lung cancer then died 10 days later!
Not sad for him, but I sure will miss hanging and riding with him.
Just looked at my Bridgy, it's only done 7000klms and its down to about 1.5mm on the right hand side whereas the rest of the tyre looks great:(