RAMAIR Filters bespoke Rocket-3 underclaw filter.

I asked Richard at Maxton yesterday about the GP20 v GP30, he recommends the GP20 based on price & design features, the 30's are really for sports bikes. I ordered mine today (GP20's with compression, rebound & preload adjustment. Now told that there is a 2 week turnround on them,- on Thursday it was 7 days, how things change.
Ah the advantage of having them close. 2 weeks is not bad - I've had mates wait 2 months or more for race stuff. - So what price were the one's you've ordered?.
Must say I'll be surprised if there's anything too drastic in the performance from the filter alone. It's not that simple. In any case, if I remember correctly, it's primary purpose was to reduce noise and fit under an uncut bear claw. It may also flow better than triple 2780's but it would be a big ask to expect that to translate to an actual performance increase. I think Neville said he was satisfied that it's a good, viable option but he seemed to be holding back on any further bold statements about power output. I would have thought we'd have heard by now if the numbers were startlingly good.
Are the K&N's they are being compared against the ones that will fit under a bearclaw or the larger K&N's like Ponters runs ?
Must say I'll be surprised if there's anything too drastic in the performance from the filter alone. It's not that simple. In any case, if I remember correctly, it's primary purpose was to reduce noise and fit under an uncut bear claw. It may also flow better than triple 2780's but it would be a big ask to expect that to translate to an actual performance increase. I think Neville said he was satisfied that it's a good, viable option but he seemed to be holding back on any further bold statements about power output. I would have thought we'd have heard by now if the numbers were startlingly good.

You've got it in one, and described exactly its purpose - an alternative to triple 2780's, that works a little better but no big power producer. An unmentioned advantage is its greater dirt capacity, something that foam filters are well known for.
If I had already forked out for triple RU-2780's I'm not sure they would be changed out for the Ramair - unless it is found to clear up some of the K&N fueling anomalies.

Are the K&N's they are being compared against the ones that will fit under a bearclaw or the larger K&N's like Ponters runs ?

The comparison that Nev made was with RU-1770's that will not fit under a stock bc. Apparently it was only a quick check and not a full test. That could be why it hasn't been published - its not a representative comparison.
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So I take it that the ramair didn't do to well on the dyno.
I don't know where that opinion comes from, & I have never been interested in comparisons between the Ramair & the K&N's as I have never had them. To me the advantages are that the Ramair filter is a designed piece of kit for the Rocket, it fits under the Bearclaw, it accommodates the air temp sensor, it is an improvement on the stock filter system, & with the plenum removed I now have a nice luggage space which is a lot more useful than the original filter.