RamAir filter for Touring model ?

I don't know if I would call it chirping, but I get some pretty loud induction noise at times now. So yes, there is more noise, just not anything I would call "chirping or crickets". A lot of people have mentioned the chirping or crickets following installation of either the Ram Air or the K&Ns. It is assumed to be noise from the throttle bodies, nothing harmful though.

Thanks..I'll look for other mentions of this. I assumed it was a throttle body (butterfly fluttering) noise as well. Hopefully, I'll get used to it.[/QUOTE]
Hi. I just ordered one of these for my '08 R3T too. I've already had the TORS w/remap for a couple of years. Do I need to do any other techie stuff to make this thing operate correctly? Or just R&R? I'm looking forward to the new upgrade. Thanks...Mike.

Put up with a really stupid question please :) WHERE can you tell on the TuneECU map what the HP is?
Ksquared the RamAir filter is mostly shrouded by the bearclaw.just put mine on this mourning it is covered by the bearclaw.If by chance you are going to B- toberfest there supposed to be a half- dozen or so getting together at Boot Hill sometime around 1:00,1:30 on Friday
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It's cheap and it works. I might suggest using wire ties to hold it down as I did, then tighten all clamps after making sure filter is seated correctly, then cutting the wire ties after you're done if you don't like them. You can't see this under the claw so I'm leaving it be. Bike ran like a scalded RAT. I did notice the knocking sound coming from the intakes and that took a bit of getting used to but she's not sluggish at all anymore. Matter of fact, there's a dyno shop less than a mile from my work I may visit this week or next. I'll just tell my riding buddies that knock sound they hear are the remnants of the last Harley she ate rolling around in her belly. ;)
Just installed the Ramair today and after the bike had done its 12min x 2 self tune i took it up the road for a squirt. First thing i noticed was more initial grunt, a sucking noise from the air getting swallowed and a butterfly knock which disappeared as the revs increased, then came back when i hooked the next gear and disappeared again...I'm Thinking WTF!...then realized what it was...nice power tho!
Just installed the Ramair today and after the bike had done its 12min x 2 self tune i took it up the road for a squirt. First thing i noticed was more initial grunt, a sucking noise from the air getting swallowed and a butterfly knock which disappeared as the revs increased, then came back when i hooked the next gear and disappeared again...I'm Thinking WTF!...then realized what it was...nice power tho!
I think that "butterfly knock" is the "chirping" sound I had referred to earlier. How's your fuel economy?
I think that "butterfly knock" is the "chirping" sound I had referred to earlier. How's your fuel economy?
Havnt done that as yet but first thoughts are she uses a bit more...b4 installing the ramair i got 18kms per litre on a gentle 400 km ride!...dont think i would be getting that now!..not too worried cos it may change when i get her on the dyno in a few weeks time.
Havnt done that as yet but first thoughts are she uses a bit more...b4 installing the ramair i got 18kms per litre on a gentle 400 km ride!...dont think i would be getting that now!..not too worried cos it may change when i get her on the dyno in a few weeks time.
I'm not sure how that calculates w/mpg. But I know that with my RamAir/Dyno tune, I'm now getting 30 mpg...when before, I was getting about 40 mpg. No denying the power increase though (I picked up about 26 ponies, and some more torque, both steadily up into the R's). I'm wondering if there's a happy medium somewhere.
Havnt done that as yet but first thoughts are she uses a bit more...b4 installing the ramair i got 18kms per litre on a gentle 400 km ride!...dont think i would be getting that now!..not too worried cos it may change when i get her on the dyno in a few weeks time.
Those figures of mine equal roughly 50 mpg...divide the kms by 8 then multiply by 5 to get miles...there are approx 4.5 litres to the gallon....so you are getting 10.6 kpl when you were getting 14.2 kpl. My storm which had K&N filter,decatt, short tors, pcv and dyno was returning 15kpl as a comparison..