RamAir filter for Touring model ?

I try not to be a technical ignoramus, but I don't always succeed, so I have a question about these Ram-Air installations.

Here in Florida, the period on the calendar between June 1 and December 1 is known as "the Rainy Season". This is for a very good reason - it RAINS - and rains heavily, for days on end. As it turns out, though, the rain isn't all day long. Sometimes it only rains for 30 - 60 minutes out of the day, the point being that one minute you can be on a nice ride while the next minute you're in a monsoon. You can't imagine what a hard Florida summer rain is like unless you've been in one - at times it feels as if you're under water. Can't run - can't hide - can't make it stop. That's what rainsuits are for.

However, with these Ram-Air filters sticking our from under the bearclaw as they do, how do you stop rainwater from taking the short path directly into the engine. I can't believe that a substantial amount of water entering the engine in this fashion can be a good thing - or would I be worried about nothing? At least my underseat airbox (which carries a K&N) is shielded against the elements.

Valid point....I live in the tropics where 100mm/ 4inches of rain is not uncommon , I have been caught out at times but vision seems to be the priority. Water intake has never been a concern or problem riding under these conditions for me. May a different story for those on a race track though.
Fitted one a few weeks ago with TOR's to my 2008 Touring. Probably took all of an hour to do, its easy. I left the stock airbox for storage. I then did a 7,600 km trip and couldn't keep the smile off my face, completely different bike. On the instructions its says you can get away with the 12 min tune. But because I did the pipes as well I had it Dyno'd. They seem well worth it and have a extension harness so you can plug the air temp sensor in the back.

Hi. I just ordered one of these for my '08 R3T too. I've already had the TORS w/remap for a couple of years. Do I need to do any other techie stuff to make this thing operate correctly? Or just R&R? I'm looking forward to the new upgrade. Thanks...Mike.
Do I need to do any other techie stuff to make this thing operate correctly?


Or just R&R?

You could, but not advisable, you will be running lean.

When I first put my Ramair with the TORS together on the Hanso was kind enough to tweak my tune and add 10% to the "F" tables until I could get it to the dyno, which I did last weekend. Now it is dialed in for the RamAir with Tors.

Bob R did you put the bear claw back on ,how does it fit? Again nice numbers on dyno sheet.

You could, but not advisable, you will be running lean.

When I first put my Ramair with the TORS together on the Hanso was kind enough to tweak my tune and add 10% to the "F" tables until I could get it to the dyno, which I did last weekend. Now it is dialed in for the RamAir with Tors.

I was considering installing a RamAir filter on my 08 R3T. Went to E-bay and plugged in my info for the bike; year model, etc.....Said the RamAir would not fit the touring model...Is this true?

I bought one a month ago on Ebay from RamAir. They had one for the Roadster AND one for the Touring. Told me it would take about an hour to install. I just haven't had a chance to yet. Next week I'm thinking.
Hey guys (Bob, Gearbox, Cherokee et al) who have the RamAir R3Ts...I've installed the RamAir on my 08 Touring..and today I took it to the Dyno Shop. I noticed on the way that there was a "chirping" sound coming from under the tank(maybe from the intake?) for just a split second while accelerating. Then after the Dyno, it is MORE pronounced. I can make the "chirping" start at a particular power spot, or make it stop with throttle up or down. It's a bit of a mystery, and doesn't seem to do it while not rolling. Any of you guys experience this? If so, what is it? If not, any thoughts? Thanks.
Oh..p.s. I picked up 29 ponies and 7 lbs TQ. Very snappy and smooth acceleration!!
I don't know if I would call it chirping, but I get some pretty loud induction noise at times now. So yes, there is more noise, just not anything I would call "chirping or crickets". A lot of people have mentioned the chirping or crickets following installation of either the Ram Air or the K&Ns. It is assumed to be noise from the throttle bodies, nothing harmful though.

Does anyone have these fitted with a Carpenter kit? I'm wondering if they'd flow enough.
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