ramair cracked

I can't see any reason these can't be put in a Ramair unless the back of the Ramair is to thick, thin or soft like the necks that are splitting. If it's to thin to hold the OEM rubbers when there pushed in after cutting the holes to the correct size. A plastic or aluminium washer sikafleked on would do the job. Like I said before I'll wait to talk to where I got the Ramair from before I do anything. Maybe Version 2 of the Ramair should just be made to suit the OEM rubbers. Would solve the popping off problem and the splitting.
I just pulled these out off the plastic Barsted for the first time and noticed all 3 of them had the rubber inside the air box doubled up and not fitted properly. Good onya Triumph.
I cant see RAMAIR changing their entire MFG process for R3 filters. They mould the bases onto all their filters.

The base is thicker So the only option would be Glue - though I'm concerned the bellmouths might not fit in.

There is very little room between the edge of the radius inlet and the foam wall.

The Prototype Colin had made using alli plate and Triumph Trumpets is VERY tight on distance trumpet to foam inner surface and even so it will not fit under the claw.


I wonder if it's the hose clamps. I used the triumph ones and a longer screw as my Ramair was the prototype and came without clamps and the wiring harness.
Richard, you were going to use the Triumph velocity stacks to connect the intake to your throttle bodies,your intake's curved tracts act like velocity stacks so would nullify the effect of the Triumph velocity stacks due to the tracts length, the longer curved tracts running into a smaller plenum which is why cobber was working on the other one which was to have a larger plenum with shorter tracts, the longer the tracts are better for torque but could rob top end power, the reason it would work with he Ramair is because the standard Triumph stacks are a shorter tract which would open directly into the Ramair internal common area which acts like a plenum.
Thats my understanding of it, I may be wrong and happily be corrected
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To be fair to RAMAIR - we (Colin and I) did not tell them about the lips. Being honest it never even crossed my mind. Then again I think mine would stay in place without the clips. I've never had this popping off thing. You're fairly close to RAMAIR iirc. Maybe worth a visit?
If your talking about this picture


Its Duncan's Roadster He tried several different mounting types to include the velocity stacks. He was trying to keep the filter in tight. I went for the straight mount using the OEM stacks on mine as I did not want to add any length between the filter and the throttle body.


here was my final look.



ANyway the shoulder is hurting pretty good I had the surgery Friday. The Supraspinatus tendon was torn completely off the bone so more work had to be done then originally planned. 3 hours on the table and now for recovery. Thanks for asking Happy New year to you and yours also.

Supraspinatus sounds like a good name for an expensive Italian works bike ! Glad to hear your on the mend Scott ! If you get the "urge" remember to use the other arm ;)
Now I'm getting some doubt as to whether or not to switch. Blah.
To be fair to RAMAIR - we (Colin and I) did not tell them about the lips. Being honest it never even crossed my mind. Then again I think mine would stay in place without the clips. I've never had this popping off thing. You're fairly close to RAMAIR iirc. Maybe worth a visit?
Is yours being one of the first made from a different material? The silicon type stuff that mine is just appears to be too soft. It looks like the high point on the throttle bodies and the clamp combine to make a pinch point that over time cuts through the soft silicon. Looks like it's happened to at least 5 so far, the rest need to have a good look at theirs. I hope I can sort something out or make mine work as I like the every thing about this filter except the way it fits the throttle bodies.
Richard, you were going to use the Triumph velocity stacks to connect the intake to your throttle bodies,your intake's curved tracts act like velocity stacks so would nullify the effect of the Triumph velocity stacks due to the tracts length, the longer curved tracts running into a smaller plenum which is why cobber was working on the other one which was to have a larger plenum with shorter tracts, the longer the tracts are better for torque but could rob top end power, the reason it would work with he Ramair is because the standard Triumph stacks are a shorter tract which would open directly into the Ramair internal common area which acts like a plenum.
Thats my understanding of it, I may be wrong and happily be corrected

I have used them because they fit so well. Simple as that. I had to shorten all of the curved tracts because the ends were uneven and at different angles. Once I got them all level it fitted perfectly, using the original rubbers and clamps.