As you know Steveo, being retired gives a person many choices on trips. Alaska? California/Oregon/Washington? S. Dakota/Wyoming/Montana/RAAXI? I lean toward the Great White North. It's prominent in the bucket list. OR, Head to Cali and try really hard to get to Spearfish for RAA. I will be making my decision next week while I relax in Maggie Valley with my good friend Bags. Where ever I go, I will be staying in the Ski-RV. Got the Sprinter built out like a Polish Class A. I can *hit shower and shave in there now. Although I haven't shaved since September.
So who you taking along to RAA? Dan? Sam? Sure would like to see y'all. Been want to meet some of the other crew too. Like Cheif Rocket pocket and Idaho Red. Decisions, one thing I stink at.
How bout a RAA shirt? If I don't make it to SD, how would I get it? If I add some to the price, do you mail?