I was just funning him. He rode from Ok to WV last year. Brought that big smile with him.

No thank necessary, it was a pleasure to to see everybody again, but a big thanks to Kevin for doing part 2:D
I rode to #1 and was forced to miss #2 with bad rt knee. 😪
Real happy all had a good time!
Next soiree out west? Any interest?
July, August September best months.
Let me see..... 6 middle aged old farts popping a hemroid......or I could just back up 10 more feet and put it right in the truck:banghead::banghead::banghead:. I believe that out of you Kevin but I certainly choose to believe that if Lupe had known it was going to end up in THAT truck, he would have put it there.......Right Mex!;););)
In my head, that as a borrowed truck and not going to Nashville, you are absolutely correct Lonnie, on the other hand, if everything was perfect, what would we be talking about now? ;) :D:cool:
It’s probably not appropriate to post twice in a row… But I have to tell everyone out there listening…. She’s a heavy *****. Especially with my 240 ass on. If I weighed 180-160? This bike would be better but I prefer when the the issue of mass doesn’t rear her ugly head. Less is more when you can kick in the more.

He just wanted to get prices on the parts he was having to pull off to make that ***** slide! Four hernias, three hemorrhoid blowouts. It was carnage at Spider Creek! 🙀
Was that all?? I was expecting at least 4 hemorrhoid blow outs, 7 hernias and many new colorful words invented:roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll: